halostatue-archive / rubypython

An in-process between Ruby and Python 2.
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bridge python ruby

= rubypython

== Description

RubyPython is a bridge between the Ruby and Python interpreters. It embeds a running Python interpreter in the Ruby application's process using FFI and provides a means for wrapping, converting, and calling Python objects and methods.

RubyPython uses FFI to marshal the data between the Ruby and Python VMs and make Python calls. You can:

== Where

The RubyPython homepage, project description, and main downloads can be found on {RubyForge}[http://rubypython.rubyforge.org/].

Source is kept in sync between {Bitbucket}[http://raineszm.bitbucket.org/rubypython/] and {GitHub}[https://github.com/halostatue/rubypython], but the Bitbucket repository is the canonical repository and where the {issue tracker}[https://bitbucket.org/raineszm/rubypython/issues?status=new&status=open] resides. We use {Hg-Git}[http://hg-git.github.com/] to keep the two repositories in sync.

== Synopsis

RubyPython is fairly easy to start using; there are three phases to its use:

  1. Start the Python interpreter (+RubyPython.start+).
  2. Import and use Python code (+RubyPython.import+).
  3. Stop the Python interpreter (+RubyPython.stop+).

There are also two methods, +RubyPython.session+ and +RubyPython.run+ that will start before running the code provided in the block and stop it afterwards.

=== Basic Usage

require "rubypython"

RubyPython.start # start the Python interpreter

cPickle = RubyPython.import("cPickle") p cPickle.dumps("Testing RubyPython.").rubify

RubyPython.stop # stop the Python interpreter

=== Specific Python Version

require "rubypython"

RubyPython.start(:python_exe => "python2.7") # Can also be a full path

cPickle = RubyPython.import("cPickle") p cPickle.dumps("Testing RubyPython.").rubify

RubyPython.stop # stop the Python interpreter

=== VirtualEnv



Or verbose

RubyPython.start(:python_exe => "/path/to/virtualenv/bin/python") RubyPython.activate

=== Iterator support


def readfile(): for line in open("/some/file"): yield line


readfile.to_enum.each do |line| puts line end


def iterate_list(): for item in [ 1, 2, 3 ]: yield item


items = [] iterate_list.to_enum.each { |item| items << item } puts items == [ 1, 2, 3 ] # => true

=== Python to Ruby callbacks


def simple_callback(callback, value): return callback(value)


simple_callback(lambda { |v| v * v }, 4) # => 16

def triple(v) v * 3 end

simple_callback(method(:triple), 4) # => 12

=== Python-style Generators


def test_generator(callback): for i in callback(): print "Got %d" % i

Ruby 1.9.2 or later

test_generator(RubyPython.generator do (0..10).each { |i| RubyPython.yield i } end)

=== Python named arguments (Experimental)

This format is experimental and may be changed.


def foo(arg1, arg2): pass


foo!(:arg2 => "bar2", :arg1 => "bar1")

with Ruby 1.9

foo!(arg2: "bar2", arg1: "bar1")

== Features / Problems

=== Features

==== Experimental Features

=== Known Problems

== What's planned There are features that are not currently supported in RubyPython that may be considered for future releases, dependent on need, interest, and solutions.

=== Python 3 We do plan on working this, but as none of the projects any of us are working on require Python 3 as of yet, this is not yet started.

=== Simpler Imports It might be nice to have some nice import helpers provided by RubyPython to make the interface more seamless and provide advanced import features:

==== Import Aliasing


from mod2.mod1 import sym as mysym


py :from => "mod2.mod1", :import => "sym", :as => "mysym" py :from => "mod2.mod1", :import => :sym, :as => :mysym py :from => [ :mod2, :mod1 ], :import => :sym, :as => :mysym


import mod1 as mymod


py :import => "mod1", :as => "mymod" py :import => :mod1, :as => :mymod


from mod2.mod1 import *


py :from => "mod2.mod1", :import => :* pyrequire "mod2/mod1" # ruby style imports

=== Catch Exceptions from Ruby


class MyFirstException(Exception): pass

class MySecondException(MyFirstException): pass

def test(): raise MySecondException


begin test rescue MyFirstException => e

We may need to work out name collisions

puts e.message


== Requirements

=== Python Support RubyPython has been tested with the C-based Python interpreter (cpython), versions 2.4 through 2.7. Work is planned to enable Python 3 support, but has not yet been started. If you're interested in helping us enable Python 3 support, please let us know.

=== Ruby Support

It should work with other implementations that support the Ruby FFI gem with no modification.

=== OS Support RubyPython has been extensively tested on Mac OS 10.5 and 10.6, and Ubuntu 10.10 (64-bit Intel). If your platform has a DLL or shared object version of Python and supports the FFI gem, it should work. Feedback on other platforms is always welcome.

== Install gem install rubypython

:include: Contributors.rdoc

:include: License.rdoc