hamaxx / uasparser2

Fast and reliable User Agent parser for python
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Fast and reliable User Agent parser for python

Author: Jure Ham (jure.ham@zemanta.com)

Forked from:

A python version of http://user-agent-string.info/download/UASparser

By Hicro Kee (http://hicrokee.com) email: hicrokee AT gmail DOT com

Modified by Michal Molhanec http://molhanec.net


pip install uasparser2


from uasparser2 import UASParser

uas_parser = UASParser(cache_dir='/path/to/your/cache/folder', cache_ttl=3600*24*7, mem_cache_size=1000)

result = uas_parser.parse('YOUR_USERAGENT_STRING')

# If input data is not avaible in cache folde, UASparser will download and prepare it on init.
# Force data update by calling:



class UASParser(__builtin__.object)
 |  Methods defined here:
 |  __init__(self, cache_dir=None, mem_cache_size=1000, cache_ttl=None)
 |      Args:
 |          cache_dir: String, path to the cache dir for useragent parsing data, default is /tmp.
 |          cache_ttl: Int, ttl for useragent parsing data cache in seconds, default is never.
 |                     Cache ttl is only checked on init when data is loaded.
 |          mem_cache_size: Int, number of parsed useragents to cache, default is 1000.
 |  parse(self, useragent)
 |      Get the information of an useragent string
 |      Args:
 |          useragent: String, an useragent string
 |  update_data(self)
 |      Fetch useragent parsing data from http://user-agent-string.info/ and update local cache

Speed comparison:

Parsing 100,000 user agents (10,000 unique) from our server logs:

original uasparser: 7264.2 sec

uasparser2 without cache: 171.7 sec

uasparser2 with cache(size 1000): 34.6 sec

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