hamedmehryar / laravel-session-tracker

Session Tracking Tools For Laravel
MIT License
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Laravel Session Tracker

This package provides session tracking functionalities, multisession management and user device management features for laravel applications.


Installation (Laravel 5.x)

In composer.json:

"require": {
    "hamedmehryar/laravel-session-tracker" "1.0.0"


composer update

Add the service provider to config/app.php under providers:

'providers' => [

Add the SessionTracker alias to config/app.php under aliases:

    'aliases' => [
        'SessionTracker' => 'Hamedmehryar\SessionTracker\SessionTrackerFacade',

Update config file to reference your login and logout route names:


Migrate your database:

php artisan migrate

Add the trait to your user model:

use Hamedmehryar\SessionTracker\Traits\SessionTrackerUserTrait;

class User extends Model {
    use SessionTrackerUserTrait;

Add the DeviceCheck middleware in your kernel.php file:

protected $middleware = [

In Your routes.php file you should add 'session' middleware for routes which you want to keep track of:

Route::group(['middleware'=>'session'], function(){

    Route::get('your-route', 'YourController@yourAction');



From your user models:

$user->sessions(); //returns all the sessions of the user form the begining of usage of the package

$user->activeSessions(); //returns all currently active sessions for the user. (User may be logged in with same credentials from different devices)

$user->activeSessions(true); //return all active sessions for the user except the current session.

$user->getFreshestSession(); //Returns the most recent session of the user

$user->devices(); //Returns the collection of users saved trusted devices.

$user->devicesUids(); //Returns array of users saved trusted devices Ids.

From SessionTrackerFacade:

SessionTracker::startSession(); //Creates a new session for current user

SessionTracker::endSession(); //End the current session for the current user

SessionTracker::endSession(true); //End the current session for the current user and forgets the session

SessionTracker::renewSession(); //Restarts the ended session which is not forgotten for the current user. Usefull for restarting the session after locking it for inactivity

SessionTracker::refreshSession($request); //Keeps the session alive for each request. Useful in middleware

SessionTracker::logSession($request); //Logs the current request for the current session. (request logs stored in sessiontracker_session_requests table)

SessionTracker::isSessionInactive(); //Checks if the session is inactive. Determines the inactiveness by subtracting the **delay between last activity and current time** from the **inactivity_seconds** in sessionTracker config file.

SessionTracker::isSessionInactive($user); //Checks if the session for a specific user is inactive. Determines the inactiveness by subtracting the **delay between last activity and current time** from the **inactivity_seconds** in sessionTracker config file.

SessionTracker::blockSession($sessionId); //Blocks (ends and forgets) the current session for the user. (Useful if the user wants to controll all her sessions and block a specific session in a specific location)

SessionTracker::sessionRequests($sessionId); //Returns all requests done by a specific session

SessionTracker::isSessionBlocked(); //Checks if current user does not have an active session

SessionTracker::lockSessionByCode(); //Locks a session by a security code to be unlocked by that code and returns the code. (Usefull for two-step authentication implementation)

SessionTracker::securityCode(); //Returns the security code (hash) for the locked session.

SessionTracker::isSessionLocked(); //Checks if the current session is locked by a security code.

SessionTracker::unlockSessionByCode($code); //Unlocks the locked session by passing the security code. (returns -1 if the code is invalid, -2 if it's expired and 0 if success)

SessionTracker::isUserDevice(); //Returns true if the current device is trusted by the user

SessionTracker::deleteDevice($id); //Deletes a trusted device for the user

SessionTracker::addUserDevice(); //Add the current device as trusted by the user

SessionTracker::forgotSession(); //Checks if the session if forgotten

SessionTracker::sessionId(); //Returns the sessionId for the current session

SessionTracker::deleteSession(); //Deletes and forgets the current session

SessionTracker::refreshSecurityCode(); //Renews the security code by which the current session is locked
