hamiltlr / discord-smtp-relay

A simple relay from SMTP to Discord webhook
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Discord SMTP Relay

This project is a very simple relay from SMTP to a Discord webhook. This allows applications that only support SMTP email notifications to be routed to Discord without an actual email server as a middle-man.

This is currently a work-in-progress. At the moment, it supports a few options for authentication:

It currently only allows one username/password combination, which are set by environment variables (see below). If you don't need authentication or TLS, simply don't set those variables (SMTP_USERNAME/PASSWORD or TLS_CERT/KEY respectively).

This is designed for use internally only, specifically within a Docker network. I would not recommend exposing this to the internet (or any untrusted network) in its current form, especially if not using TLS.

Environment variables

Variable Description Example
WEBHOOK_URL Discord webhook URL. https://discord.com/api/webhooks/xxxxxx/yyyyyy
SMTP_USERNAME Accepted username for SMTP testuser
SMTP_PASSWORD Accepted password for SMTP testpass
TLS_CERT_CHAIN File path to full TLS certificate chain fullchain.pem
TLS_KEY File path to private key for certificate privkey.pem


  1. Install the requirements:

    pip install -r requirements.txt
  2. Set the environment variables as desired

  3. Run the server:

    python discord_relay.py