hammy275 / mc-vr-api

An API to allow mod developers to see VR player data from Vivecraft.
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
8 stars 0 forks source link



This mod serves to act as an API for Vivecraft, to allow mod developers to interface with VR-specific features.



Forge Setup:

Add the following to your build.gradle:

repositories {
    maven {
        url = "https://cursemaven.com"

Add the following to the dependencies section of your build.gradle:

compileOnly fg.deobf("curse.maven:mcvrapi-591092:FILE_ID")
runtimeOnly fg.deobf("curse.maven:mcvrapi-591092:FILE_ID")

Where FILE_ID is the file ID from CurseForge of the version of mc-vr-api you want. Find the file of the version you want of mc-vr-api, visit its URL, then copy the numbers at the end. That's the file ID. For more information, see the CurseMaven Website.

After adding these to your build.gradle, exit and re-open your IDE. You may need to run gradlew --refresh-dependencies afterwards (or ./gradlew --refresh-dependencies if you're on Linux).

Once done, make two classes. They can have any name you'd like, but in this, I'll refer to them as VRPlugin and VRPluginStatus. In VRPlugin, you should have this code:

public class VRPlugin implements VRAPIPluginProvider {

    public static IVRAPI vrAPI = null;

    public void getVRAPI(IVRAPI ivrapi) {
        vrAPI = ivrapi;
        VRPluginStatus.hasPlugin = true;

and in VRPluginStatus you should have this code:

public class VRPluginStatus {
    public static boolean hasPlugin = false;

With this all done, you should be good to go! You can reference VRPlugin.vrAPI, and access the VR API from there!

Take a look at the Documentation section below to figure out what you can do.


Add the following to your build.gradle:

repositories {
    maven {
        url = "https://cursemaven.com"

Then add the following to the dependencies section of your build.gradle:

modApi "curse.maven:mcvrapi-591092:FILE_ID"

Where FILE_ID is the file ID from CurseForge of the version of mc-vr-api you want. Find the file of the version you want of mc-vr-api, visit its URL, then copy the numbers at the end. That's the file ID. For more information, see the CurseMaven Website.

From there, add the following in a class separate from everything else (something like VRPlugin:

public static void initVR() {
    List<EntrypointContainer<IVRAPI>> apis = FabricLoader.getInstance().getEntrypointContainers("vrapi", IVRAPI.class);
    if (apis.size() > 0) {
        IVRAPI apiInstance = apis.get(0).getEntrypoint();
        MyModInitializer.hasVRPlugin = true;

Store the apiInstance inside the VRPlugin class.

From there, add the following to your main mod class (or somewhere else, as long as your initializing function calls it)

public static boolean hasVRPlugin = false;

try {
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
    // mc-vr-api wasn't available, so it did not load!


A good starting point is the wiki for mc-vr-api, which can be found here!

Documentation for everything in this mod can be found in docstrings. Feel free to look around the api package here.

Of note are three important interfaces:

IVRAPI: An object that allows usage of the VR API. All "top-level" API functions are found here

IVRPlayer: An object that represents a player in VR, and all the objects used to track them.

IVRData: An object that represents the data for a given tracked object (the HMD or a controller).


To make my own mods (and hopefully other people's mods) work better in the context of VR, and to allow for the creation of VR-specific mods, by both others and me.

If you want an example of this, I've created a small "demo" mod that shows off the kinds of things this API can do. It's called mc-vr-playground, which you can download and throw into any installation!

A Licensing Note

All older versions of mc-vr-api may be licensed under the LGPLv3, the GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0, instead of the GPLv3, the GNU General Public License v3.0.

Some Questions and Answers

Q: What support is there for 1.17 and 1.18?

A: 1.18.2 is supported! Due to Vivecraft never supporting 1.17.x under mod loaders, neither will this.

Q: Which Minecraft versions will this mod release for?

A: This mod will release for every Minecraft version up to and including the first version with the official Vivecraft API. All versions that are supported at the time will receive a "3.0" update that reflects the Vivecraft API.

If the API never releases for some reason, I hope to continue to release this mod under newer versions as long as possible.

Q: Which Minecraft versions will continue to receive updates/be supported?

A: I plan to support the latest version of the two most recent major releases of Minecraft that have support for Vivecraft modded.

Q: Fabric?

A: Yes! With the release of the Vivecraft port to a more loader-less architecture, Fabric is supported! Quilt is also accounted for, but currently not tested, so use at your own risk!

Q: Why aren't there many updates? Why hasn't this updated in a while?

A: mc-vr-api is a relatively small program, and doesn't have many features to implement. As a result, the mod doesn't get updated much due to not needing updates in the first place.

Q: My game crashed! I got a java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError exception!

A: This exception tends to happen when your mod references something VR-related when someone doesn't have this API mod installed.

If your mod always requires VR, then odds are, you forgot to run this mod alongside the mod you're testing

If your mod doesn't always require VR, then your code is attempting to reference something VR-related, even though the VR API isn't there (this is why the VRPlugin and VRPluginStatus classes above are separated).

Q: When can I start using the IVRAPI instance?

A: IVRAPI instances are handed out during the FMLCommonSetupEvent event in Forge environments and can be retrieved through EntrypointContainers in Fabric/Quilt.