hampa / comfortzone

VCV rack modules
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Comfortzone Modules

Modules for VCV Rack, an open-source Eurorack-style virtual modular synthesizer

Kick Baba

A Kick bass module for psy trance rolling kbbb beats.


Filter code is from the excellent VCV Ripples (https://github.com/VCVRack/AudibleInstruments)


TZFM Lead is an oscillator that performs through zero frequency modulation on a pair of interal waves.

Instead of tuning it with an external modulatation source TZFM Lead outputs the carrier, modulator and resulting TZFM wave.

Left and right output should preferably run into a nice band pass filter such as VCV Ripples.


Oscillator code is from Electro Smith (https://github.com/electro-smith/DaisyExamples)