I'm hamster@snap.net.nz and working on this book.
I'll keep an up to date copy of the PDF file in the repository for you.
It is written in ASCIDOC and can be used to generate a pdf using the included Makefile. Please send me any updates you would like.
Sorry but I can't get ASCIIDOC to put a graphic on the front page, so I've made "cover.jpg" for you to print out seperately if you wish!
To syntax highlight the UCF files, then add the following into /usr/share/texmf/tex/latex/listings/lstlang1.sty:
%% %% UCF definition (c) 2012 Mike Field %% \lst@definelanguage{ucf}% {morekeywords={NET,LOC,IOSTANDARD,LVTTL,LVCMOS25,DRIVE,SLEW,SLOW,FAST},% Arnaud Tisserand sensitive=f,% 1998 Gaurav Aggarwal morecomment=[l]#,% morestring=[d]{"}% }[keywords,comments,strings]%
This was just a quick hack - if you know some better way let me know.