hamzapehlivan / StyleRes

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StyleRes: Transforming the Residuals for Real Image Editing with StyleGAN (CVPR 2023)

Paper (CVPR) | Paper (Arxiv) | Website | Demo | Colab | Video | Supp.

Our inversion model adopts high-rate feature maps for incoming edits, so the quality of the edit is not compromised while retaining most of the image details. In this example, we show various edits using InterfaceGAN, GANSpace and StyleClip.

To Do List


Our code assumes that the StyleRes encoder is saved to checkpoints directory. However, you can change it with the --checkpoint_path flag.


We provide a GUI application accessible online. Also, the application can be run locally, using gradio library. First, download the library with pip install gradio command. Then, you can run the demo with the following:

python app.py --device=cpu

,where the device argument can be either cpu or cuda.


Even though our model is not supervised for certain edits, it can entegrate with the existing image editing frameworks. This repository currently supports:

To edit images in the inference_samples directory, run the inference code as:

python inference.py --datadir=samples/inference_samples --outdir=results --edit_configs=options/editing_options/template.py

or alternatively, run the bash file directly:

bash inference.sh

--edit_configs includes configurations for each edit. We gave some examples on how to specify an edit in the template file. --resize_outputs flag can be used to resize the output images to 256x256 resolution. In the first run with GPU, StyleGAN2 compiles Pytorch extensions, which can take 1-2 minutes. The config files for each edit is in CSV format, therefore, one can better investigate by converting them into table.

If the test images are not aligned, you should align them with a landmark detector. First, install the dlib library:

apt install cmake
pip install dlib scipy

With --aligner_path argument, specify the path of the downloaded landmark detector model.


We used CelebAHQ dataset in our paper. To extract smiling and non-smiling test images, run:

python dataset_tools.py --attribute Smiling 1 --set test
python dataset_tools.py --attribute Smiling -1 --set test

To extract only the test set (used in age and pose edit evaluations):

python dataset_tools.py --set test


This work is available under NVIDIA Source Code License. This means that our work can solely be used for non-commercial purposes.

Related Works

This work builds upon a GAN inversion framework e4e in order to invert images into the latent and feature spaces of StyleGAN2.

We got inspired from various inversion works, and used the source code of some of them. The main ones are HFGI, Hyperstyle and IDInvert.

In our work, we show that GAN inversion models should be designed with editings in mind. Although we did not use any of the editing methods while training, we showcase that a wide range edits found by Interfacegan, GANSpace, StyleClip and GradCtrl are still applicable.


You can cite our work using the following:

    author    = {Pehlivan, Hamza and Dalva, Yusuf and Dundar, Aysegul},
    title     = {StyleRes: Transforming the Residuals for Real Image Editing With StyleGAN},
    booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)},
    month     = {June},
    year      = {2023},
    pages     = {1828-1837}