hang0610 / ibvs_nmpc_px4

Undergraduate Thesis “Perception-constrained Visual Servoing Based NMPC for Quadrotor Flight”
MIT License
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nonlinear-model-predictive-control quadrotor-simulation visual-servo


The simulation code of my undergraduate thesis:

Perception-constrained Visual Servoing Based NMPC for Quadrotor Flight





In this project, I leveraged Image-Based Visual Servo to control the translation and rotation of the four-rotor UAV, where the expected velocity v was calculated according to the image moment error, and the velocity v was tracked by the Nonlinear Model Predictive Control. Meanwhile, I also take the vision restriction into consideration to prevent the loss of visual features.



  1. git clone https://gitee.com/Hang_SJTU/ibvs_nmpc_px4_ws.git
  2. catkin build

    Declare:Compile the workspace, Then in the devel/lib directory of this workspace directory, you can find the file 'librealsense_gazebo_plugin.so' (or possibly 'librealsense_ros_gazebo.so', and rename it as 'librealsense_gazebo_plugin.so') Copy and paste it under /opt/ros/noetic/lib/

  3. source devel/setup.bash
  1. Spawn the drone and the circle/aruco world:

    roslaunch simulation_iris_circle.launch # for circle world
    roslaunch simulation_iris_aruco.launch # for aruco world
  2. Detect the target:

    roslaunch ibvs_pkg ibvs_circle.launch # for circle world
    roslaunch ibvs_pkg ibvs_aruco.launch # for aruco world
  3. Control the drone:

    roslaunch mpc_pkg mpc_acados_controller.launch # nmpc based on acados 
    roslaunch mpc_pkg mpc_acado_controller.launch  # nmpc based on acado(bad result)

    Declare:Based on the expected speed and IMU feedback attitude estimated by VIO, the C++ code generated by ACADO or the Python code of ACADOS is used to construct the nmpc model for calculation, and the thrust and 3 direction bodyrates are the output to the underlying controller.


    • [ ] SO CONFUSED!!!!! Current MPC bug, the results calculated by the C code generated based on ACADO framework's code generation are inconsistent with the original framework's calculation results (same input), only when the visual features contraints are added into the model.

Afterthat, I use ACADOS instead of ACADO to solve the visual features contraints problem and get ideal results, but the previous problem of ACADO still remains.


Please use the following bibtex if you find this repo helpful and would like to cite:

  author = {Zhang, Yuanhang},
  title = {Perception-constrained Visual Servoing Based NMPC for Quadrotor Flight},
  year = {2023},
  publisher = {GitHub},
  journal = {GitHub repository},
  howpublished = {\url{https://github.com/hang0610/ibvs_nmpc_px4}},