hanish3464 / WORD-pytorch

Webtoon Object Recognition and Detection(WORD)
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WORD: Webtoon Object Recognition and Detection

Note : It's not the final version code. I will the refine and update the code over and over again. Especially, I'm planning to add sound effect detector.

WARNING: Size of test image is important. Please keep the ratio width : height = 1 : 2 ~ 3

Sample Results


WORD detect objects(speech bubbles, cuts, and line texts) in webtoon or cartoon. You can also meet ocr(line text detection + recognition) results and English translation with papago API if you want. I have referenced and implemented CRAFT-pytorch to detect line text, used Faster-RCNN-pytorch to detect speech bubble. And I have implemented all the code to find elaborately contours of speech bubble, detect cut with image processing(OpenCV) and about korean text recognition model. You can check README.md for each project folder(object_detection, text_detection, text_recognition) if you want more details.

[Image Source]:cells of Yumi, girl of random chat, mamamian, lookism, free throw, king of bok-hak, world of girl, naver webtoon, and header of gangs.


12 Nov, 2019 : Initially added Speech Bubble Detection Test Results.

21 Nov, 2019 : Added Webtoon Cut Detection Test Results and Pretrained Model.

24 Nov, 2019 : Added Text within Speech bubble Detection code and Classic toon test Results.

17 Dec, 2019 : Merged all the code of prejects and added OCR and Translation Results.

27 Dec, 2019 : Added initially refined train code of each project and updated README.md

Install Requirements:


if you want to set anaconda env, conda create -n WORD python=3.6 conda activate WORD and follow the next step.

pip install -r requirements.txt
cd object_detection/lib/
python setup.py build develop

Pretrained Models

Model name Model Link
Speech Bubble Detector Click
Line Text Detector Click
Line Text Recognizer Click

Download model and include to weights/


Note: When you test own your test toon images including several objects, You can get the segmentation results of speech bubble and cut. Yon can also get OCR, English translation results.

  1. Download models above link
  2. Add image files to data/
  3. Run demo.py (add --ocr --papago options if you want)



If you want to train own your model, you can check train.py of object_detection, text_detection, or text_recognition


Thanks for jwyang. FasterRCNN-pytorch for train and test.

Thanks for Youngmin Baek. CRAFT-pytorch for test.

Thanks for papago API of naver corp

Thanks for pvaneck. Hangul Character Recognition

Thanks for kuangliu. Recognition Network