hanmeng221 / docker_python

use docker to package a python file and run
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use docker to package a python file and run

This is a interview test of Sensetime. It will:

read all of the executable files from the gedit directory
execute these files according to alphabet order
if the executable file has the output, then print them to the terminal
we provide two method to achieve it: run python script or run shell script


1.Install the docker(more detail show in Note)

2.Open the terminal

3.Build the image

   docker build -t docker_python .

4.Run the image run :

    docker run -v [your target directory path]:/usr/goal  docker_python python execution_exe.py /usr/goal



5.Both of the two script will return the exit code. If you want to call our script, you can judge it success or not by this

  1. the shell have some optional parameters

    SYNOPSIS run_docker.sh [OPTION] ...


    -h  display the help of this program
    -i  docker_image_name   use another docker_image file name insist of docker_python
    -f target_directory_path   Set the target_directory_path that you want to  test


    1. This code can only run on Linux.

    2. You can use the "targetDir" to test like:

      docker run -v ./targetDir:/usr/goal docker_python python execution_exe.py /usr/goal


      ./run_docker.sh -f ./targetDir

    3.Install docker in Ubuntu 3.1 Make sure the version of your system is higher than 3.10 3.2 Open the terminal 3.3 Run:

            wget -qO- https://get.docker.com/ | sh
    3.4 Start the docker service
            sudo service docker start
    1. When you build a image successfully, you can use " docker images;" to show more details about this image.

    2. If you want to run docker when you are not the root, you can use " sudo usermod -aG docker runoob" and then re-entry.

Exit Code:

0: Success
1: Target directory is empty
2: Target directory is not existed
3: Missing directory parameters