hannesm / jackline

minimalistic secure XMPP client in OCaml
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
250 stars 20 forks source link

exception thrown at initial setup #130

Closed murinicanor closed 8 years ago

murinicanor commented 8 years ago

i'm not able to finish the initial setup stop of jackline. it crashes after asking for the password (makes no difference if i give a password or not)

Welcome to Jackline configuration. You will be guided through the setup.
Jabber ID: muri@my.server.name/jackline
Priority: 0 (default)
Servername: my.server.name
Port: 5222 (default)
Password (if empty, will be asked at every startup): Fatal error: exception Invalid_argument("Notty: control char: 0x0a (from: If you have `tlsclient` installed, you can run: `tlsclient -z --starttls=xmpp jabber.immerda.ch:5222`\nAlternatively: `openssl s_client -connect jabber.immerda.ch:5222 -starttls xmpp | openssl x509 -sha256 -fingerprint -noout`)")

os: debian jessie with opam 1.2.2 from stretch and ocaml 4.02.3 installed using opam switch

hannesm commented 8 years ago

thanks for the report, I just fixed it in master.