hannesm / jackline

minimalistic secure XMPP client in OCaml
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Add /ignore_presence #201

Closed reynir closed 4 years ago

reynir commented 4 years ago

This command toggles hiding all presence updates in buffers. I was missing this due to scrolling being broken in my terminal (I've since found out it was the terminal emulator using those keys for something else already), and in MUCs I find it's often full of noise from presence updates.

It's not very sophisticated. It's a global option for all presence updates. It could be more fine grained:

reynir commented 4 years ago

It's a global option for all presence updates.

It seems I'm mistaken! The filter is removed as soon as you switch to another chat. Sorry about that.

hannesm commented 4 years ago

about scroll there's #26 with some links to commits implementing a /scroll command (not sure what their state is, they have not been PRed AFAICT //cc @cfcs)

cfcs commented 4 years ago

/scroll was meant to jump between occurrences of the search string, so kind of like how /filter works now, but with context around it. It worked, but there was some problem when receiving messages where it would sometimes jump un-intuitively, maybe when the window was resized while you were at some offset and linewrapping, I can't remember the exact details. Today to achieve the same I just use /filter to get the timestamp, then scroll back.

cfcs commented 4 years ago

To me the name /hide_presence initially sounded like it would hide my own presence, a feature we currently have with /status, but which cannot be applied before connecting, which means you can't "start" out as offline. How would you feel about making it something like /ignore_presence instead?

reynir commented 4 years ago

How would you feel about making it something like /ignore_presence instead?

I think that's excellent. I will reword it. Thanks.

hannesm commented 4 years ago

this looks fine, would you mind to rebase to master (i.e. not having the commits to master in this PR), and squash your commits to a single one? then I'll merge

hannesm commented 4 years ago

thanks for the PR, and sorry for the delay, I was away for some weeks

reynir commented 4 years ago


hannesm commented 4 years ago
