hao-ai-lab / Consistency_LLM

[ICML 2024] CLLMs: Consistency Large Language Models
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 Consistency Large Language Models: A Family of Efficient Parallel Decoders

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Consistency large language models (CLLMs) is a new family of models capable of reducing inference latency by efficiently decoding $n$ tokens in parallel. This decoding method is called Jacobi decoding, which improves inference efficiency in comparison with conventional auto-regressive (AR) decoding. CLLMs are trained with the objective of performing efficient Jacobi decoding by mapping any randomly initialized $n$-token sequence to the same result as AR decoding in as few steps as possible.

Experiment results have demonstrated the effectiveness of CLLMs, showing $2.4\times$ to $3.4\times$ improvements in generation speed on a variety of tasks.

A demo of using CLLM to achieve significant improvements ($\sim3\times$) in generation speed to solve a basic math problem is shown below:

## Contents - [News](#news) - [Introduction](#introduction) - [Installation](#installation) - [Model Weights](#model-weights) - [Usage](#usage) - [Inference](#inference) - [Training](#training) - [Evaluation](#evaluation) - [Citation](#citation) ## News 🔥 - [2024/3] CLLMs are integrated in [FastChat](https://github.com/lm-sys/FastChat/blob/main/docs/model_support.md)! - [2024/2] CLLM Paper now available on [arXiv](http://arxiv.org/abs/2403.00835). CLLMs model checkpoints are released on [Huggingface Hub](https://huggingface.co/cllm). ## Introduction Consistency Large Language Models (CLLMs) is a family of efficient parallel decoders refined from pre-trained LLMs. Compared with existing fast decoding techniques, CLLMs achieve fast parallel decoding **without the need for**: - Draft models - Architectural modifications/auxiliary model components This introduces a number of advantages for CLLMs: - CLLMs don't have to deal with the complexity of obtaining 'good' draft models and managing two different models in a single system. - CLLMs share the same architecture with target LLMs and require no additional engineering efforts when adopting the technique to different models. - CLLMs can be integrated seamlessly with other techniques for efficient LLM inference (e.g. Lookahead Decoding) to achieve even more significant speedup. ## Installation 1. Environment setup: ``` conda create -n cllm python=3.10 conda activate cllm ``` 2. Clone this repository and build from source: ``` git clone git@github.com:hao-ai-lab/Consistency_LLM.git cd Consistency_LLM ``` 3. Install dependency: ``` pip install -r requirements.txt pip install flash-attn==2.4.1 ``` ## Model Weights #### Target Pre-trained Models | Size | Dataset | Huggingface Repo | | ---- | -------- | --------------------------------------------- | | 7B | ShareGPT | [cllm/vicuna-7b-sharegpt-gpt4-48k](https://huggingface.co/cllm/vicuna-7b-sharegpt-gpt4-48k) | | 7B | GSM8K (Math) | [GAIR/Abel-7B-001](https://huggingface.co/GAIR/Abel-7B-001) | | 7B | Spider (Text-to-SQL) | [cllm/deepseekcoder-7b-instruct-spider](https://huggingface.co/cllm/deepseekcoder-7b-instruct-spider) | | 7B | Code-Search-Net Python | [cllm/deepseekcoder_7b_codesearch_net_python](https://huggingface.co/cllm/deepseekcoder_7b_codesearch_net_python) | #### CLLMs | Size | Dataset | Huggingface Repo | | ---- | -------- | --------------------------------------------- | | 7B | ShareGPT | [cllm/consistency-llm-7b-sharegpt48k](https://huggingface.co/cllm/consistency-llm-7b-sharegpt48k) | | 7B | GSM8K (Math) | [cllm/consistency-llm-7b-math](https://huggingface.co/cllm/consistency-llm-7b-math) | | 7B | Spider (Text-to-SQL) | [cllm/consistency-llm-7b-spider](https://huggingface.co/cllm/consistency-llm-7b-spider) | | 7B | Code-Search-Net Python | [cllm/consistency-llm-7b-codesearchnet](https://huggingface.co/cllm/consistency-llm-7b-codesearchnet) | ## Usage ### Inference ``` bash applications/run_chat_cllm.sh {model_path} {cllm_type} ``` `cllm_type` can take the value of `spider`, `python`, `gsm8k`, `sharegpt`. ### Training 1. Collect Jacobi trajectory: - Method 1: Directly download Jacobi trajectory to `data/collected_jacobi_trajectory/` from [our Huggingface Hub page](https://huggingface.co/cllm). - Method 2 (Generate trajectory suitable to your own target model and dataset): Some raw datasets that contain additional information like database dependency or cannot be directly loaded from Huggingface Hub (for example, [Spider](https://huggingface.co/datasets/cllm/spider) and [ShareGPT](https://huggingface.co/datasets/anon8231489123/ShareGPT_Vicuna_unfiltered/blob/main/ShareGPT_V3_unfiltered_cleaned_split_no_imsorry.json) are required to be installed in `data/raw_data`). Then run `scripts/generate_trajectory.sh` and the training dataset for a CLLM will be saved in `data/collected_jacobi_trajectory/`. For example, for the gsm8k dataset, run: ``` # max_new_tokens corresponds to the size of n_token_sequence CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 bash scripts/generate_trajectory.sh {filename} {model_path} {n_token_seq_size} {max_new_seq_len} ``` ##### Other command options ``` --filename: path to the raw dataset, currently supporting {data/raw_data/spider, code_search_net, data/raw_data/gsm8k_train.jsonl, data/raw_data/ShareGPT_V3_unfiltered_cleaned_split.json} \ --data_size: maximum number of prompts used to extract Jacobi trajectories \ --use_aug: use data augmentation technique \ --use_labels: add dataset's labels to the output file ``` 2. Train a CLLM: ``` bash scripts/train_cllm.sh {model_path} {trajectory_file} {output_path} {n_token_seq_size} ``` ### Evaluation We follow the same settings in [human-eval](https://github.com/openai/human-eval), [Spider](https://github.com/taoyds/spider), [MT-bench](https://github.com/lm-sys/FastChat/tree/main/fastchat/llm_judge) and [GSM8K](https://github.com/openai/grade-school-math) evaluate CLLMs' generation quality. An example code to evaluate CLLMs' throughput measured in tokens/s, fast-forwarded token count, stationary token count can be found in `eval` folder. Take GSM8K dataset as an example: To test the speedup, run: ``` CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 bash eval/gsm8k/speedup.sh {model_path} {target_model_path} {max_new_tokens} ``` To test the accuracy, run: ``` CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python eval/gsm8k/acc.py --model_dir path_to_cllm --temperature 0.0 --top_p 1.0 --output_file_name 'cllm_generated_gsm8k.jsonl' \ --dev_set "gsm8k" --prompt_type math-single --max_new_tokens_for_consistency 16 --max_tokens 1024 --use_consistency_decoding ``` ## Citation This is the official project repository for the following paper. If you find this repository helpful, Please kindly cite: ``` @misc{kou2024cllms, title={CLLMs: Consistency Large Language Models}, author={Siqi Kou and Lanxiang Hu and Zhezhi He and Zhijie Deng and Hao Zhang}, year={2024}, eprint={2403.00835}, archivePrefix={arXiv}, primaryClass={cs.CL} } ```