hapifhir / hapi-fhir

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Openapi interceptor does generate spec for Conditional Update #6020

Open Richard-de-Vries opened 1 week ago

Richard-de-Vries commented 1 week ago

Description The issue is that when a @ConditionalUrlParam is defined on a Update, this is not reflected in the OpenApi/Swagger documentation.

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Create a Provider with an @Update that has the @ConditionalUrlParam present on the method parameters.
  2. Create a ServletRegistrationBean with the provider and the OpenApiInterceptor.
  3. Look at the swagger-ui documentation page, an observe that no endpoint for the conditional update is created on the documentation page.

Expected behavior I would expect that a new Put path is generated on the Base of the resource, on which the documentation for the conditional update can be added.

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