hapifhir / hapi-fhir

🔥 HAPI FHIR - Java API for HL7 FHIR Clients and Servers
Apache License 2.0
1.94k stars 1.3k forks source link
apps fhir hapi-fhir healthcare hl7 java java-api mhealth


HAPI FHIR - Java API for HL7 FHIR Clients and Servers



CI Status (master) SNAPSHOT Pipeline Current Release
Build Status Build Status Release Artifacts

Coverage and Quality

codecov Language grade: Java

Documentation and wiki

Complete project documentation is available here: http://hapifhir.io

A demonstration of this project is available here: http://hapi.fhir.org/

This project is Open Source, licensed under the Apache Software License 2.0.

Please see this wiki page for information on where to get help with HAPI FHIR.

Please see Smile CDR for information on commercial support.