hard-codr / sirius

Sirius: Stellar API for Humans
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api-client python python-sdk stellar stellar-apis

Sirius: Stellar API for Humans

Sirius is Python SDK for Stellar. This library tries to make Stellar API favorable for human consumption, with no known side effects.

Following are some examples of typical usage of Sirius:

>>> stellar.account('GBS4..6S3K').fetch() 
Account(id=GAEE..IB4V..,seq=28515937145585674,balances=[Balance(9855.9998800 XLM)])

>>> stellar.account('GBS4..6S3K').operations().fetch(limit=1).entries()

>>> with stellar.new_transaction('SEED..5KEE', memo='awain') as t:
...     t.pay(account='GBS4..6S3K', amount='42.01')
...     # remove existing offer for buying BTC
...     t.remove_offer(offer_id=12891, sell_asset='native', buy_asset=('BTC', 'GADE..ED87'))
...     # add new offer to buy BTC
...     t.add_offer(sell_amount='10.00', sell_asset='native', buy_asset=('BTC', 'GADE..ED87'), price=(1, 10000))


Pydoc generated documentation can be found at https://hard-codr.github.io/sirius .

Why so Sirius?

Sirius is inspired by very well designed 'requests' HTTP library. Following are some of the reason I created this library.

Comparison with current libraries

Current best known Python SDK does not have required ergonomics, and bit hassle to use.

E.g. to create new account you need to do following:

newAccountAddress = "XXX"
amount = '25' # Any amount higher than 20
kp = Keypair.from_seed(oldAccountSeed)
horizon = horizon_livenet()
asset = Asset("XLM")
# create op 
op = CreateAccount({
    'destination': newAccountAddress,
    'starting_balance': amount
# create a memo
msg = TextMemo('test-account')
# get sequence of new account address
sequence = horizon.account(kp.address()).get('sequence')
# construct the transaction
tx = Transaction(
        'sequence': sequence,
        #'timeBounds': [],
        'memo': msg,
        #'fee': 100,
        'operations': [
# build envelope
envelope = Te(tx=tx, opts={"network_id": "PUBLIC"})
# sign 
# submit
xdr = envelope.xdr()
response = horizon.submit(xdr)

Whereas in Sirius you can simply do:

new_account_address = "XXX"
amount = '5'
#following statement takes care of retrieving current sequence for account
#and signing and submitting at the end of with-block
with stellar.new_transaction(old_account_seed, memo='test-account') as t:
    t.create_account(new_account_address, amount)
if t.is_success():
    print t.result()
    print t.errors()

If you don't want to use with-statement then you can also chain multiple operation as follows and submit transaction:


trx = stellar.new_transaction(account_seed, 'test-pay')
                .pay(to_account1, "10.01") #by default, payment is done in native asset
                .pay(to_account2, "42.42", asset=('USD', usd_issuer)) #or you can specify asset
if trx.is_success():
    print trx.result()
    print trx.errors()

Sirius also support federated address as the account-id; so you can do:


trx = stellar.new_transaction(account_seed, 'test-pay')
                .pay('jed*stellar.org', "10.01") # address in name*domain.com format
                .pay('fred@gmail.com*stellar.org', "42.42", asset=('USD', usd_issuer)) #or email*domain.com format
if trx.is_success():
    print trx.result()
    print trx.errors()

Ease of use

Some of the stellar APIs are confusing to use. For example, to add offer and to remove offer there is the same API, i.e. MANAGE_OFFER with special meaning to the input parameters. Sirius simplifies those API and tries to create self-explanatory APIs and handles needed complexity internally.


To install with pip just type

pip install git+https://github.com/hard-codr/sirius

Planned Features

  1. Write extensive test cases
  2. Error handling
  3. Write functions for key generation
  4. Good documentation
  5. Lots of bug fixes
  6. Write more documentation
  7. Write integration with federation services