hardforkio / homepage

Hardforks homepage. Open source as an example on how we work and code.
MIT License
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Landing Page for Hardfork

Tech Specs

A Gatsby and Netlify CMS powered generic business website based on gatsby-starter-netlify-cms.

It follows the JAMstack architecture by using Git as a single source of truth, and Netlify for continuous deployment, and CDN distribution.

Storybook vs. Gatsby

Gatsby and Storybook have some issues when used in combination.

It is good practice to separate worlds and use dependency injection (DI) to dictate specific behaviour:

See Footer component for an example.


One reason for the mismatch is core-js. See this open issue for more information: https://github.com/gatsbyjs/gatsby/issues/15601

User journey focused: About the purpose of this web page.

Who comes to the landing page and why?:

What do people do on our homepage?: