hargettp / hh-web

Framework for building modern web applications in Lisp
MIT License
36 stars 4 forks source link

About HH-Web

HH-Web is the beginnings of a web application framework written in Lisp designed to streamline development of modern web applications.

See the LICENSE file for the license covering all code within the HH-Web directory and any subdirectories.
Basically, it's the MIT license, so you are free to do what you want, provided you reproduce the original copyright.


The primary platform for HH-Web development is SBCL x64 on Mac OS X Lion (latest SBCL rev tested is 1.0.57); other Common Lisp implementations that appear to work correctly are CCL 1.8 x86, LispWorks 6.01, and ABCL 1.0.1. HH-Web has also been tested with SBCL 1.0.57 x64 on Ubuntu 11.04.

Platforms with known issues include CCL x64 (problem with threads) and CMUCL (which does not like named-readtables).


In its present form (as of June 2012), there are 4 principal features in HH-Web:

Getting Started

As an aide to starting new projects that use HH-Web to structure web application development, you can load the HH-Web system into the REPL using Quicklisp (included as of 7/3/2012--thanks Zach!):

(ql:quickload :hh-web)

then execute the following expression:

(hh-web:make-skeleton :for :acme :in #p"~/lisp/")

Substitute your own project name for acme in the above expression. Note that the argument to the :for keyword must be a symbol or string, and the argument to the :in keyword must be a directory path (e.g., it must end in "/"), although that directory should not exist, make-skeleton will not overwrite any files or directories that already present--it will raise an error instead. In the above example, the package for your new application will appear as a subdirectory of the one you provided, thus it will appear in ~/lisp/acme/.

If you use Quicklisp and the "~/lisp/" directory is registered with ASDF as a source directory, then you can then run the following at your REPL to start your newly-created web application:

(ql:quickload :acme)

Now just point your browser at http://localhost:8000, and you should see a boilerplate homepage.

You can stop your application at any time by running the following:


Additionally, the generated skeleton of a project also creates a single script called quickrun.lisp that lets you load and run your site in one step. For example, with SBCL:

sbcl --load ~/lisp/acme/quickrun.lisp

Here's the directory structure created for your project:

  +-- acme.asd          # system declaration
  +-- locales               # directory containing files to support i18n and l10n
  +-- logs.lisp         # helpers for logging using log5
  +-- package.lisp      # package declaration
  +-- quickrun.lisp # script for loading and running the site
  +-- server.lisp       # runs your site with hunchentoot
  +-- taglibraries      # directory for your tag libraries
  +-- templates         # directory for your templates
  +-- templates.lisp    # file for declaring which templates to use
  +-- urls.lisp         # file containing the regex rules for dispatching requests

To develop your site, edit the following files as needed, and refresh your browser to see changes take effect immediately:

The generated skeleton also demonstrates one mechanism for integrating Bootstrap and jQuery into a site, so that the resources of both libraries are always available. Note that the chosen method here may or may not be suitable for your scenario: the skeleton generates links to CDNs that host these libraries to ease other web sites.

Learning More

For more information on how HH-Web works and how to make use of it for your application, see the documentation on the wiki.