harinlim / my-anime-watch-list

Create and collaborate on anime watchlists. Try it out below :)
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My Anime Watch List

Anime watchlist tracker based off Kitsu.io




This also includes a RESTful CRUD API for the following resources:

Data Schema

This leverages Postgres features extensively, including using JSON validation, row-level security policies, full text search, and others. The data schema is as follows:



  1. Make sure to install and enable the correct pnpm version. Also make sure to use nvm to use the correct Node.js version.
# Install the node version assigned in .nvmrc
nvm install
# Enables corepack to set the pnpm version
corepack enable
# Install the pnpm version set by the `packageManager` field in `package.json`
corepack install
  1. Install the packages with pnpm:
pnpm install
  1. Copy .env.example into .env and add the configured supabase credentials.

  2. Once supabase credentials are set up, run the following to generate the correct up-to-date types:

# Login to supabase and get credentials
pnpm db:login

# Generate types
pnpm gen:types
  1. Run the development server and go to http://localhost:3000 to see the result:
pnpm dev