Workout diary
This is the backend repository for the workout diary project.
Project description
This will first be a prototype for a workout diary web application with main focus on mobile design. Main purpose with this project is to learn HCI/HMI (Human Computer Interaction), ReactJS, Express, NodeJS, MongoDB, Jenkins and Heroku. In addition this app will also help me to easier document my workout progress. The app will let a user add and edit a workout on a specific day with the default being "today". Users must register and login to use the app. In addition users can also take notes, make their own custom workout programs and see the workout statistics e.g. their bodyweight or the weight they can lift.
Users' functions
- Can register an account
- Can login in
- Can add, edit and delete a new workout; workouts can also have comments
- Can make their own custom workout programs which they can also edit in future
- Can use a premade custome workout program to add a new workout
- Can use calander to get access to older workouts
- Can add, edit and delete a note
- Can see workout statistics
Technology used
- ReactJS
- Redux
- Material-UI
- Express
- NodeJS
- Firebase
- Jenkins
- Heroku
- master: Updated only when milestones are completed
- dev: Updated each time a feature is finished (ideally working)
- feat/feature-name: A branch which is used to develope a feature
- fix/feature-name: A branch which is only used to fix a feature
Status: Not finished