harmony-one / hackathon

repo for harmony hackathons
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This repository contains information for each hackathon that Harmony hosts or sponsors, make sure you also see the wiki for more examples.

Get Involved

Hackathon information

Start Building

General Guidlines

Here are general guidelines on participating and being successful in a hackathon.

1) Intro Yourselves - dev (skillsets) and product (ideas), at #introductions 2) Talk About the Idea! - Post and discuss your ideas/teams on forum at https://talk.harmony.one/ 3) Form your Team - Match with ideas together at #team-formation , register your group 4) BUIDL time! - plan, build, and test. Form your own Telegram group to communicate often 5) Check-in weekly - check-in Thursday 9AM US Pacific Time (4PM GMT/UTC) or ask at #hackathon-questions 6) Be presentable - present your ideas on a deck, providing context, dive deep and plan for a demo 7) Submit your Work - send in your work before the Sep 30th deadline!

Track and Challenge Overview

Below is an overview of the 12 Tracks and 4 challenges with links to the discussions on talk.harmony.one/hackathon

# Track
1 Cross Chain - "Liquidity"
2 Cross Chain - "Middleware"
3 Cross-Chain - “DeFi/NFT/DAO”
4 Cross-Chain - “Platform”
5 On-Chain Wallet - “Frontends”
6 On-Chain Wallet - “Web3”
7 On-Chain Wallet - “Web2”
8 On-Chain Wallet - “Security”
9 Cross-Border - “Gateways”
10 Cross-Border - “Corporate”
11 Cross-Border - “Regional”
12 Cross-Border - “Impacts”
# Challenge
A Maddock Capital
B Chainlink
C Hashkey
D Sushi

Project Ideas by Track

Theme Track Description Examples and References Sample Reference Projects Project Ideas
Cross Chain Liquidity Aggregation - On-Chain Market Making - crosschain-api
Cross Chain Liquidity Arbitrage - Hummingbot Cross Exchange Market Making
Cross Chain Liquidity Fixed Income - Proof of Stake Yield Derivatives
- sushi's kashi: lending
Cross Chain Middleware Index - graph query
Cross Chain Middleware Analytics - dune analytics
Cross Chain Middleware Name - crazy.one names
- multisig safe
Cross Chain Applications Decentralized Finance - ammpool
- defi_tutorial
Cross Chain Applications Non-Fungible Tokens - NFT Marketplace
- timeless: moment nft & curator dao
- 1wold: geo spation nft
- crypto domains
-dazuck's community vs tokens
- academy-cryptokitties
- marketplace
Cross Chain Applications Decentralized Autonomous Organizations - governance vs proxy - dapp-demo-crowdfunding
Cross Chain Applications Games based on VRF randomness - vrf games - Lottery
Cross Chain Platform Network - 1 second finality
Cross Chain Platform EVM (Ethereum Virtual Machine) - transaction delegation
Cross Chain Platform Bridges - 1btc
- layer2 bridges
Social Wallet Frontend Mobile Clients
Social Wallet Frontend User Experience - argent vault
- liquidity pooling
- best for normal people
- SmartVault
- one-wallet
Social Wallet Web3 Integrations Identity - crypto domains
- radical economy
Social Wallet Web3 Integrations Deposit - lending-borrowing
Social Wallet Web3 Integrations Savings - swaps
- fixed income
Social Wallet Web2 Integrations OnRamp - bank accounts
- e-commerce
- bitpay and shopify
- n26
Social Wallet Web2 Integrations Notification
Social Wallet Security Authentication - Security Goals
- account abstraction
Social Wallet Security Verification - social recovery
Social Wallet Security Cryptography - formal verification
Cross Border Fintech Gateways Fiat Onramp - market analysis
- fintech veritcal sass
Cross Border Fintech Gateways Privacy
Cross Border Fintech Gateways Wallets
Cross Border Fintech Onboarding API - payments
Cross Border Fintech Onboarding Portals - stripe for saving
- wyre cookbook
Cross Border Fintech Onbaording KYC (Know Your Customer)
Cross Border Fintech Regional Stablecoins - terra's ust
- liquidity's lusd
Cross Border Fintech Regional Foreign Exchange - yearn's forex
- dfx finance
- dbank
Cross Border Fintech Regional Distributor
Cross Border Fintech Applications Corporate Finance - payroll - lending-borrowing
Cross Border Fintech Applications Loyalty Points
Cross Border Fintech Applications Social Impacts - frax's consumer index
- wealth creation
- dapp-demo-crowdfunding
- decentagram
- meme of the day

Partner Challenges

Terra's Challenge:

We are an opinionated Layer 1 platform. As we have relationships with most major liquidity providers and investors in DeFi and crypto, we recommend exploring the following themes to make the most of the hackathon.

  1. Understand core themes.
  2. Identify technologies and areas of interest.
  3. Identify suitable skill match.

Extending Stablecoin Adoption

Beginner to intermediate developers.

Take advantage of TerraUSD native stablecoins to introduce crypto-native experiences: subscription payments and micropayments, yield-bearing escrow, milestone or instant payroll, creative remittance solutions.

Decentralized Asset Management

For beginner and intermediate frontend developers.

Over 20% of users of Mirror are in Thailand. Interact with Terra.js, Mirror.js to build decentralized front ends for Mirror. This is a core priority for TFL to enable censorship resistant asset management across borders.

Crypto Native Financial Primitives

Intermediate to Advanced Developers

Extend primitives available within the Terra ecosystem. For example, DAO treasury issue bonds issuance, revenue sharing agreements, income sharing agreements, DAO creation and management cross-chain liquidity, traunching.

Picks and Shovels

Advanced developers

One of the highest leverage opportunities in the ecosystem is to enable other developers and builders. Create indexers, block explorers, and developer facing tooling to fix issues every developer will face into the future.

Maddock Capital's Challenges:

Theme, "Reduction of the broker / middleman tax in all financial marketplaces"

Preamble: blockchain technologies power is to reduce transaction friction and transaction costs across all marketplaces in a mature and efficient ecosystem. Currently nearly every financial transaction undertaken has a "broker tax" applied to it. Harmony's infrastructure enables that to be materially reduced.

Currently most online businesses, particularly early stage startups and more mature tech businesses with recurring revenue have limited recourse to raise money outside of equity rounds. Typically, equity raises when advised by financial intermediaries charge 5-7% of proceeds. A blockchain enabled Crowdfunding solution for equity in these businesses (ideally native to and utilising blockchain technologies) could significantly disrupt this market by bringing new sources of capital to these businesses. In short, improve access through designing a 2-sided marketplace for equity raises.

Similarly these businesses currently are not able to raise debt. Current solutions are focused on securitising or forward selling revenues linked to recurring contract income.

In short we want you to disrupt online platforms providing marketplaces to forward sell revenues and contract receivables.

Our view is that this would require the Use of a stable coin pegged to the USD in the first instance. This should enable any blockchain participant to put their capital to work for real growth.

Chainlink's Challenge:

The development of price feeds delivered via a decentralized oracle network has facilitated the emergence of DeFi applications at scale. Chainlink current offers a variety of additional smart contract services such as verifiable randomness, fair sequencing services and keepers that are also allowing developers to create new and innovate applications. The concept of decentralized oracle networks outlined in the the Chainlink 2.0 whitepaper outlines a future where different constellations of nodes collaborate to process a wide range of workloads. In similarity to how DeFi projects are composable, we envision a future in which the services that facilitate the emergence of new applications are also composable. The purpose of this challenge is to identify the next generation of smart contract services that can be delivered via decentralized oracle networks to allow developers to create new products, new sources of value and ultimately facilitate the emergence of the next wave of blockchain innovation.