harnen / p2p-service-discovery

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DEVP2P is a set of network protocols which form the Ethereum peer-to-peer network and act as an entry point for multiple different networks and applications. A service discovery system is thus necessary to allow each user to find its peers. The main challenge facing such a decentralised system is to efficiently manage the scarce resources of registrant nodes. The platform needs to decide how to place service advertisement to enable fast lookups for application with thousands of users and avoid starving users of less popular services. This task is crucial for the efficiency of the whole platform, but becomes especially challenging under the presence of malicious nodes who can try to manipulate or overload the system.

The goal of this project is to develop a secure, efficient and robust service discovery protocol for Ethereum 2.0 (Discv5). The project has 3 main stages:

An improved service discovery system will increase the synchronization speed between peers, improve user experience and enhance the overall security of the network by providing larger and more divers set of peers to connect to.

Project Plan

The project is organised in three main milestones of the project together with their deliverables. We represent our progress with the following:

Service Discovery Requirements


Security Analysis


Discv5 Service Discovery Design


Service Discovery Simulator


Simulation results

Evaluation results


Eth crawling results

How the list above is created



Service discovery implementation