harrislapiroff / django-clickclick

Simple, shareable, anti-social, Django-based photo gallery web application.
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Simple, anti-social photo sharing.



The installation instructions below assume you have the following software on your machine:

Installation instructions

If you are using virtualenv or virtualenvwrapper, create and activate an environment. E.g.,

.. code:: bash

mkvirtualenv clickclick # Using virtualenvwrapper.

Then, to install:

.. code:: bash

# Clone django-clickclick to a location of your choice.
git clone https://github.com/harrislapiroff/django-clickclick.git

# Install django-clickclick.
pip install --no-deps -e django-clickclick

# Install python requirements.
pip install -r django-clickclick/example_project/requirements.txt

Modifying ClickClick's CSS files requires SASS <http://sass-lang.com/> and Compass <http://compass-style.org/>. If you plan to make changes to CSS files, but don't have those installed:

.. code:: bash

gem install compass # Install Compass.

Get it running

.. code:: bash

cd django-clickclick/example_project
python manage.py syncdb    # Create/sync the database.
python manage.py runserver # Run the server! 

Then, navigate to in your favorite web browser!

Modifying the Styles

Do not modify any of the files within django-clickclick/static/clickclick/css/. That directory is managed by Compass. Instead, edit the compass source files in django-clickclick/compass/. You will need to use the Compass command line tool to compile stylesheets. E.g.,

.. code:: bash

cd django-clickclick/clickclick # Ensure you are in the directory with config.rb.
compass watch         # Watch the sass directory for changes.

Or use Compass.app <http://compass.kkbox.com/>_.