harryhorton / node-nmap

NPM package for interfacing with local NMAP installation
MIT License
67 stars 26 forks source link

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Join the chat at https://gitter.im/Johnhhorton/node-nmap NPM package enabling your NodeJs application to interface with the features of NMAP. This package requires that NMAP is installed and available to the running node application.

UPDATE 4.0.0

Upgrade instructions:

//Previous usage 3.0.4 and below
const nmap = require('node-nmap');
nmap.nodenmap.nmapLocation = "nmap"; //default
let quickscan = new nmap.nodenmap.QuickScan(' google.com');

/*4.0.0+ usage simply removes a layer of object nesting.
* simply remove 'nodenmap'
const nmap = require('node-nmap');
nmap.nmapLocation = 'nmap'; //default
let quickscan = new nmap.QuickScan(' google.com');

UPDATE 3.0.4

UPDATE 3.0.3:

UPDATE v3: A lot of changes have come in this update:

UPDATE v2: I have rewritten the module in TypeScript. the .d.ts file is located at /node_modules/node-nmap/index.d.ts. As a part of this update, there is an additional mapping for the namespace/module, as well as a requirement to use new for each scan.

Request: While NmapScan() will accept valid NMAP arguments, the XML to JSON conversion is only checking for specific things. If there is a common or useful NMAP feature that you would like to see included, please submit an issue and I will work it in.


npm install node-nmap

Scan Types

Scan instance variables, methods, and events

Queued scans instance variables, methods, and events


NmapScan is the core function of the package. It emits two events: 'complete' and 'error'. Both of these events return data. All methods are easy to set up. Simply define a variable as one of the methods, and that variable will become a new instance of NmapScan with appropriately set commands. All input accepts either a space separated string, or an array of strings to make it easier to work with a complex set of hosts. All methods return an array of JSON objects containing information on each host. Any key without information provided from NMAP is filled as null.

The return structure is:

       "osNmap":null, //note that osNmap is not guaranteed to be correct.


var nmap = require('node-nmap');

nmap.nmapLocation = "nmap"; //default

//    Accepts array or comma separated string of NMAP acceptable hosts
var quickscan = new nmap.QuickScan(' google.com');

quickscan.on('complete', function(data){

quickscan.on('error', function(error){

// returns
// [  
//    {  
//       "hostname":"localhost",
//       "ip":"",
//       "mac":null,
//       "openPorts":[  

//       ],
//       "osNmap":null
//    },
//    {  
//       "hostname":"google.com",
//       "ip":"",
//       "mac":null,
//       "openPorts":[  

//       ],
//       "osNmap":null
//    }
// ]

//    Accepts array or comma separated string for custom nmap commands in the second argument.
var nmapscan = new nmap.NmapScan(' google.com', '-sn');

nmapscan.on('error', function(error){


// returns
// [  
//    {  
//       "hostname":"localhost",
//       "ip":"",
//       "mac":null,
//       "openPorts":[  

//       ],
//       "osNmap":null
//    },
//    {  
//       "hostname":"google.com",
//       "ip":"",
//       "mac":null,
//       "openPorts":[  

//       ],
//       "osNmap":null
//    }
// ]
var osandports = new nmap.OsAndPortScan('google.com');

osandports.on('error', function(error){


// returns
// [
//    {  
//       "hostname":"google.com",
//       "ip":"",
//       "mac":null,
//       "openPorts":[  
//          {  
//             "port":80,
//             "service":"http"
//          },
//          {  
//             "port":443,
//             "service":"https"
//          }
//       ],
//       "osNmap":"OpenBSD 4.3"
//    }
// ]

Queued Scans

Queued scanning was implemented to give higher level of control over the scanning process. While there are advantages, using the Queued scanning method does produce time overhead as a new instance of NMAP is created for each host. It may be useful to use Queued scans in the event that you are running a lengthy set of long running scans on each host. It would be recommended to perform a quickscan, before supplying the found hosts to a queued scanning process for longer running scans.


//the actionFunction gets run each time a scan on a host is complete
function actionFunction(data){
    console.log("Percentage complete" + scan.percentComplete());
var scan = new nmap.QueuedOsAndPortScan("google.com", actionFunction);

scan.on('complete', function(data){
    console.log("total scan time" + scan.scanTime);

scan.on('error', function(error){

scan.startRunScan(); //processes entire queue

Please open an issue if you have any questions, concerns, bugs, or critiques.