harshit-test-org / javascript-af-legacy

Share your work with the dev community
GNU General Public License v3.0
4 stars 4 forks source link


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Javascript af is a platform for developers to share their great work.


Jesse R Weigel (Founder / Project Manager),

Jvscrpt.r (Co-Founder / Frontend Dev),

pantharshit00 (Co-Founder / Fullstack Dev)

Nicky Meuleman (Fullstack Dev)


Getting started

This repository uses the monorepo method to manage several parts of the application. You need yarn installed. It manages the monorepo structure.

  1. Fork and Clone the repo

    git clone https://github.com/<YOUR USERNAME>/javascript-af
    cd javascript-af
  2. Install all of the dependencies

    Note: Windows user are required to download build tools to compile native node modules. Run this command in powershell, it will error out in others

      npm --add-python-to-path install --global windows-build-tools

    Now proceed to install the dependencies. You need to run yarn on the root the the project.

    $ ~/projects/javascript-af> yarn
  3. Replace env files and add keys

    Copy the example .env files on backend and frontend folders. Use the same file names for the copies, but remove .example on each of the files. DO NOT DELETE any of the example files. Then enter the required information

    There are these env files :

      ├── backend        
      ├    └──.env  # Contains server side use credentials      
      └── frontend 
          ├──.env.js # Contains development frontend credentials
          └──.env.prod.js # Contains production frontend credentials

    PS: You do need to change anything in .env.prod.js during development as it is not used. But the file should exist.

    Additional info that may be required while filling the env file:

    1. You need to have mongodb installed or have a cloud hosted one on mlab or mongodb atlas
    2. You need to have github application credentials that can be easily obtained from your github settings
    3. You need to have some algolia credentials so that search can function

    All of these are free or have a good community service account.

  4. Boot up the development server

    Run the following command on the project root

    yarn dev
  5. Access the site and other tools

    After running yarn dev you can access the local development server on http://localhost:3000 . You can access graphiql at http://localhost:8080/api/graphiql if you are working on the server. These URLs are also printed out in the console for your convenience.


GPL v3, see the LICENSE file.