harvardinformatics / JAuth

Java GUI client to generate Google authentication codes
MIT License
198 stars 50 forks source link

Authors : James Cuff and Michele Clamp 2011/2012 Jonah Neugeboren and Aaron Kitzmkller 2015


JAuth is a reference desktop client for the google authenticator. Intended as an alternative to the iPhone Google Authenticator app and similar. http://code.google.com/p/google-authenticator/

Explanatory bloggage at http://blog.jcuff.net/2011/09/beautiful-two-factor-desktop-client.html

Installation using GUI Installer

OS X https://github.com/mclamp/JAuth/tree/master/Installers/JAuth_macos_2_0.dmg Windows https://github.com/mclamp/JAuth/tree/master/Installers/JAuth_windows_2_0.exe Windows64 https://github.com/mclamp/JAuth/tree/master/Installers/JAuth_windows-x64_2_0.exe Linux https://github.com/mclamp/JAuth/tree/master/Installers/JAuth_unix_2_0.sh

All installers available from https://github.com/mclamp/JAuth/tree/master/Installers


To compile and run in bash


then to run

java -jar JAuth.jar


java -jar JAuth.jar

By default it looks in the home directory for a file called .google_authenticator

Alternatively :

java -jar JAuth.jar -secret=MY_SECRET_KEY


Initialize your keystore (do this only once)

keytool -genkey -alias JAuth -keyalg RSA -keystore keystore.jks -keysize 2048

Sign your jar

jarsigner -keystore keystore.jks JAuth.jar JAuth

Edit the JAuth.jnlp file to reflect your local webserver path. Copy the JAuth.jnlp and JAuth.jar files into the webserver path.


Thanks to bookest (Christopher Grim) for the secret key dialog code

Installer Software Install4j from ej-technologies

Many thanks for the open-source license


PasscodeGenerator and Base32String code from


LCD Font from

Digital-7: 1.00 Oct 03 13:24:00 2008 TrueType font 33.2KB Created by Sizenko Alexander. © 2008 Style-7. All rights reserved. http://www.styleseven.com

LCD Background png from

E-LAB Computers

http://www.e-lab.de/components/lcd_and_keyboard_en.html modified from http://www.e-lab.de/diverse/LCD2x16.jpg

Layout code from jgoodies.com

JGoodies Karsten Lentzsch