hash-bang / Reflib-Node

Reference library processing for NodeJS
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EndNote (enw) format parser/output support #1

Open scipilot opened 6 years ago

scipilot commented 6 years ago

I was wondering if there would the use for an JS library to parse and output EndNote import/export format. (i.e. this format)

I tried importing Reflib generated Endnote XML into Endnote Web, choosing "Endnote import" format, but it doesn't seem to recognise it. Using Reflib-RIS files works OK, and then exporting that from Endnote web in what it calls "Endnote export" format produces the above "enw" format - and this imports back in again OK too.

I can't see any use of the XML format online? But I'm new to all these reference formats, so I'm probably missing the bigger picture! I know it does import into Mendelay OK, but it seemed odd that Endnote doesn't seem to use it (perhaps it's just not in the free version?)

Also, I was worried about the legals of producing that enw format (after reading about the court case against Zotero) and wondered if that was why you hadn't implemented it?

Anyway if you think it would be a useful, legal and relevant addition I might have a go at writing a reflib-compatible parser.

hash-bang commented 6 years ago

@scipilot, I can't say I've had a request for that file format before. I've asked around some academic colleagues and RIS seems to be the most supported format.

The XML process generally works ok though. If you are having difficulties can you email me the file you are trying to import or the original data you are working with and I can investigate? Since we've had to reverse engineer the format we occasionally come across bugs with the weird way EndNote does things.