hash-bang / Reflib-Node

Reference library processing for NodeJS
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Reference library processing for Node.

NOTE: This library is now depreciated in favour of @IEBH/RefLib which is ES6 and Browser compatible, has numerous fixes and is much more efficient

This is the internal component to parse and output reference libraries. If you would like something with a user interface you may wish to look at one of the following:

This module is the main API, for individual drivers see the relevent NPM module.

RefLib currently supports the following format for read / write operations:

This module is a ported version of the original Reflib for PHP


parse(driver, content, [options], [callback])

The main parser function. This will take a string, buffer or stream to process and return an emitter which should call ref for each reference found.

var reflib = require('reflib');
reflib.parse('endnotexml', fs.readFileSync('./test/data/endnote.xml'))
    .on('error', function(err) {
        console.log('ERROR:', err);
    .on('ref', function(ref) {
        console.log('FOUND A REFERENCE', ref);
    .on('progress', function(current, max) {
        console.log('Reading position', current);
    .on('end', function() {
        console.log('All done');

The options parameter is an optional object of properties.

Option Type Default Description
fixes Object {} Object containing fixes behaviour to apply to each returned reference
fixes.authors Boolean false Apply the behaviour of reflib.fix.authors(ref) before returning the reference via event handler
fixes.dates Boolean false Apply the behaviour of reflib.fix.dates(ref) before returning the reference via event handler
fixes.pages Boolean false Apply the behaviour of reflib.fix.pages(ref) before returning the reference via event handler

For example, the below imports a file while enabling all fixes:

reflib.parse('endnotexml', fs.readFileSync('./test/data/endnote.xml'), {
    fixes: {
        authors: true,
        dates: true,
        pages: true,
}).on('ref', function(ref) { /* ... */ });

If the final, optional callback parameter is specified the entire library will be returned as an array in the form callback(error, references). Due to the shear size of some libraries this method is not recommended unless you know your RAM can safely hold this potentially huge arrray.

reflib.parse('endnotexml', fs.readFileSync('./test/data/endnote.xml'), function(err, refs) {
    console.log('Error is', err);
    console.log('Refs are', refs);

parseFile(path, [options], [callback])

This is a shortcut of the identify() and parse() methods together to have RefLib read and process a file:

var reflib = require('reflib');
    .on('error', function(err) {
        console.log('ERROR:', err);
    .on('ref', function(ref) {
        console.log('FOUND A REFERENCE', ref);
    .on('progress', function(current, max) {
        console.log('Reading position', current);
    .on('end', function() {
        console.log('All done');

See the parse() function for a description of supported options.

If the final, optional callback is specified the function returns in the same way as parse().

NOTE: In order to correctly fire the progress event parseFile() defaults to using fs.readFile instead of fs.createReadStream() this is because buffers have a known length and streams have an unknown length. If you wish to read very large files you may wish to use the parse() event with fs.createReadStream() manually.

NOTE: Use reflib.promises.parseFile() for the promisable version of this function.


Output a reference library.

The options object must at least contain stream and content properties. Other options supported are:

Option Type Description
stream Stream.Writable stream The stream object to output content into
format String The driver to use when formatting the data
content Array or Object or Callback The reference library to output. If an array each item is used in turn, if an object a single item is output, if a callback this is called with the arguments (next, batchNo) until it returns null. The callback function can return a single object or an array
defaultType String Some libraries must have a reference type for each reference, if that is omitted use this value
encode Callback Overridable callback to use on each reference output
escape Callback Overridable callback to use when encoding text
fields Undefined, string, array, true If undefined only supported fields are output, if an array only those specified fields are output, if true all fields even those not recognised are output. If the input is a string it is split into an array as a CSV

See the output tests of individual drivers for more examples.

outputFile(path, refs, [options], [callback])

This is a shortcut of the identify() and output() methods together to have RefLib setup a stream and dump refs into a file.

refs can be an array of references, a single object or a callback to provide references. See the output() function for more information.

var reflib = require('reflib');
reflib.outputFile('./test/data/endnote.xml', refs)
    .on('error', function(err) {
        console.log('ERROR:', err);
    .on('end', function() {
        console.log('All done');

The final callback parameter is optional. If it is specified it is attached automatically as a listener on the 'error' and 'end' events.

NOTE: Use reflib.promises.outputFile() for the promisable version of this function.


Function to return the supported driver from a file name.

// -> 'endnotexml'


A collection of all supported reference types.

NOTE: This is based off the EndNote specification. If anything is missing please contact the author.

var reflib = require('reflib');

// e.g
// [..., {id: 'journalArticle', title: 'Journal Article'}, ...]


Object containing Promise compatible versions for all the internal functionality. e.g. reflib.promises.parseFile()


A collection of all supported drivers.

var reflib = require('reflib');

// e.g
// {id: 'endnotexml', name: 'EndNote XML file', ext: ['.xml'], driver [object]}


Verify that the author information for an incomming reference is correct.

This function will attempt to split mangled author fields up if the authors field contains exactly one entry which itself contains the ; character. Some databases don't split this field up correctly and this fix will attempt to correct the array contents to what it should be.


Attempt to correct the date format of incomming references.

This function has the following behaviour:

  1. If the reference has a complete date format (e.g. 15/02/2016) the fields, date, month and year will be created
  2. If the reference is missing the full date but contains a year and month those two fields will be stored with date removed
  3. If the reference only has a month field that will be stored with date removed
  4. If the reference only has a year field that will be stored with year removed

In all cases date will be a JavaScript date object, year will be a JavaScript four digit number, month will be the three letter, capitalized month format (e.g. Jan, Dec).


Attempt to reformat different reference page formats into absolute ones.

For example 123-4 becomes 123-124

Reference format

The following documents the individual reference format used by Reflib.

Reference fields

Each reference is made up of the following fields. Each field is optional and may or may not be supported by each Reflib driver.

Field Type Description Aliases
recNumber Number The sorting number of the reference
type String A supported reference type (e.g. journalArticle)
title String The reference's main title
journal String The reference's secondary title, this is usually the journal for most published papers
authors Array (of Strings) An array of each Author in the originally specified format
date Date or String Depending on how much information can be extracted this could either be a year (e.g. '2015'), a date (e.g. '12th Feb') or a full JS date (if Moment understands its format)
urls Array (of Strings) An array of each URL for the reference
pages String The page reference, usually in the format 123-4
volume String
number String
isbn String ISSN
abstract String
label String
caption String
notes String
address String
researchNotes String
keywords Array (of Strings) Any tags that apply to the reference tags
accessDate String
accession String
doi String
section String
language String
researchNotes String
databaseProvider String
database String
workType String
custom1 String
custom2 String
custom3 String
custom4 String
custom5 String
custom6 String
custom7 String

Reference Types

A reference type can be one of the following. Each is translated from and to its individual drivers own supported format (for example if using EndNoteXML 'dataset' is translated to 'Dataset.' with EndNote ID 59 automatically).



Developed in part for the Bond University Institute for Evidence-Based Healthcare. Please contact the author with any issues.