Phishlets are the configuration files in YAML syntax for proxying a legitimate website into a phishing website. They are the building blocks of the tool named evilginx2
These phishlets are added in support of some issues in evilginx2 which needs some consideration. All the phishlets here are tested and built on the modified version of evilginx2: If you find any problem regarding the current version or with any phishlet, make sure to report the issue on github.
These are some precautions you need to take while setting up google phishlet.
{phish_sub: 'accounts-pk', orig_sub: 'accounts', domain: '', session: true, is_landing: false, auto_filter: false}
The following sites have built-in support and protections against MITM frameworks. Hence, there phishlets will prove to be buggy at some point.
If you beleive you have a solution, open a pull request.