hashbang / admin-tools

Ansible playbooks and other admin tools used to administrate #! servers
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! Admin Tools

Ansible playbooks and other admin tools/docs for maintaining the #! network.


Git configuration

You might also want to use the following snippet in ~/.gitconfig:

[diff "gpg"]
    textconv = gpg --no-tty --decrypt
    cachetextconv = false
[diff "ansible-vault"]
    textconv = ansible-vault view
    cachetextconv = false

SSH configuration

All the “service servers” (as opposed to shell servers) listen for SSH on port 8993 (ASCII-encoding of #!), and the user is core, with the following exceptions:

This is expressed in the following .ssh/config snippet:

Host da1.hashbang.sh ny1.hashbang.sh sf1.hashbang.sh to1.hashbang.sh
     User your_nick

Host git-infra.hashbang.sh
     User git

Host sfo1.irc.hashbang.sh ldap.hashbang.sh
     User core

Host *.hashbang.sh hashbang.sh
     User core
     Port 8993


There are several playbooks present here:


Install a package

See doc/Installing_packages.md.

Making a configuration change

  1. Prepare your change for shell-etc, test it locally.
  2. Create a pull-request for it on Github, wait for a review.
  3. Perform a signed merge into master: git merge -S --no-ff branch
    Only merge into master things that you will deploy immediately. Do not merge if you aren't in a position to follow-up with a deploy.
  4. Run the shell.yml playbook, see below.

Sync packages & configuration across all shell servers

Simply run the appropriate Ansible playbook:

ansible-playbook shell.yml