hashgraph / hedera-forking

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Hedera Fork Testing Support

Sample Usage On forked networks

This repository includes the example Smart Contract referenced in this issue.

Fixing Your Tests

To set up and fix your Foundry tests with Hedera forking, follow these steps

  1. Install the Hedera Forking Library

    forge install git@github.com:hashgraph/hedera-forking.git
  2. Add Setup Code in Your Test Files Include the following lines in the setup phase of your tests to deploy the required contract code and enable cheat codes:

    deployCodeTo("HtsSystemContractInitialized.sol", address(0x167));

Running the Tests

To run the tests and observe the setup in action, use the following command

forge test --fork-url "https://mainnet.hashio.io/api" --chain 295 --match-contract DealCheatCodeIssueTest


To use this library in your tests, you need to enable ffi. You can do this by adding the following lines to your .toml file:

ffi = true

Alternatively, you can add the --ffi flag to your execution script. This is necessary because our library uses surl, which relies on ffi to make requests.


Fork Testing (or WaffleJS Fixtures) is an Ethereum Development Environment feature that optimizes test execution for Smart Contracts. It enables snapshotting of blockchain state, saving developement time by avoiding the recreation of the entire blockchain state for each test. Instead, tests can revert to a pre-defined snapshot, streamlining the testing process. Most populars Ethereum Development Environments provide this feature, such as Foundry and Hardhat.

This feature is enabled by their underlaying Development network, for example

Please note that WaffleJS, when used directly as a library, i.e., not inside a Hardhat project, uses Ganache internally.

On the other hand, Geth support some sort of snapshotting with https://geth.ethereum.org/docs/interacting-with-geth/rpc/ns-debug#debugsethead, but it’s not commonly used for development and testing of Smart Contracts.

Moreover, given that Fork testing runs on a local development network, users can use console.log in tests to ease the debugging process. With console.log, you can print logging messages and contract variables calling console.log from your Solidity code. Both Foundry and Hardhat support console.log. Not being able to use Forking (see below) implies also not being able to use console.log in tests, which cause frustration among Hedera users.

Can Hedera developers use Fork Testing?

Yes, Fork Testing works well when the Smart Contracts are standard EVM Smart Contracts that do not involve Hedera-specific services. This is because fork testing is targeted at the local test network provided by the Ethereum Development Environment. These networks are somewhat replicas of the Ethereum network and do not support Hedera-specific services.

No, Fork Testing will not work on Hedera for contracts that are specific to Hedera. For example, if a contract includes calls to the createFungibleToken method on the HTS System Contract at address(0x167). This is because the internal local test network provided by the framework (chainId: 1337) does not have the precompiled HTS contract deployed at address(0x167).

This project is an attempt to solve this problem. It does so by providing an emulation layer for HTS written in Solidity. Given it is written in Solidity, it can executed in a development network environment, such as Foundry or Hardhat.


This project has two main parts

[!IMPORTANT] The compilation output of HtsSystemContract is version controlled. The benefit of including a generated file is that it allows the Relay to consume the JS package directly from GitHub. This is also the reason we use JSDoc instead of TypeScript, to avoid the compilation step. This, in turn, avoids publishing an npm package.

How does it Work?

The following sequence diagram showcases the messages sent between components when fork testing is activated within an Ethereum Development Environment, e.g., Foundry or Hardhat.

[!NOTE] The JSON-RPC Relay service is not shown here because is not involved when performing a requests for a Token.

    box Local
    actor user as User
    participant client as Local Network<br/>Foundry's Anvil, Hardhat's EDR
    participant hedera-forking as Hardhat Forking Plugin
    box Remote
    #participant relay as JSON-RPC Relay
    participant mirror as Mirror Node

    user->>+client: address(Token).totalSupply()
    client->>+hedera-forking: eth_getCode(Token)
    hedera-forking->>+mirror: API tokens/<tokenId>
    mirror-->>-hedera-forking: Token {}
    hedera-forking-->>-client: HIP-719 Token Proxy bytecode<br/>(delegate calls to 0x167)

    client->> + hedera-forking: eth_getCode(0x167)
    hedera-forking-->>-client: HtsSystemContract bytecode

    client->>+hedera-forking: eth_getStorageAt(Token, slot<totalSupply>)
    #relay ->> + hedera-forking: getHtsStorageAt(Token, slot)
    hedera-forking -) + mirror: API tokens/<tokenId>
    mirror --) - hedera-forking: Token{}
    #hedera-forking -->> - relay: Token{}.totalSupply
    hedera-forking-->>-client: Token{}.totalSupply

    client->>-user: Token{}.totalSupply

The relevant interactions are


This repo consists of two projects/packages. A Foundry project, to compile and test the HtsSystemContract.sol contract. And an npm package that implements the eth_getCode and eth_getStorageAt JSON-RPC calls when HTS emulation is involved.

To compile the HtsSystemContract and test contracts

forge build

[!TIP] Keep in mind the compilation output of HtsSystemContract is versioned. So it will appear as modified after forge build when HtsSystemContract has been changed.

There is no compilation step to build the @hashgraph/hedera-forking package. However, you can type-check it by running

npm run type-check


[!TIP] The launch-token script was used to deploy Tokens using HTS to testnet for testing purposes.

getHtsCode and getHtsStorageAt Unit Tests

These tests only involve testing both getHtsCode and getHtsStorageAt functions. In other words, they do not use the HtsSystemContract bytecode, only its storageLayout definition.

npm run test

HtsSystemContract Solidity tests + local storage emulation (without forking)

Foundry provides a Std Storage library, "that makes manipulating storage easy". See https://book.getfoundry.sh/reference/forge-std/std-storage for more information.

We use the Std Storage library to provide local storage emulation that allow us to run HtsSystemContract Solidity tests without starting out a separate JSON-RPC process.

forge test

[!NOTE] When running these tests without forking from a remote network, the package @hashgraph/hedera-forking is not under test.

HtsSystemContract Solidity tests + JSON-RPC mock server for storage emulation (with forking)

These Solidity tests are used to test both the HtsSystemContract and the @hashgraph/hedera-forking package. Instead of starting a local-node or using a remote network, they use the json-rpc-mock.js script as a backend without the need for any additional service. This is the network Foundry's Anvil is forking from.

In a separate terminal run the JSON-RPC Mock Server


Then run

forge test --fork-url http://localhost:7546 --no-storage-caching

[!IMPORTANT] The --no-storage-caching flag disables the JSON-RPC calls cache, which is important to make sure the json-rpc-mock.js is reached in each JSON-RPC call. See https://book.getfoundry.sh/reference/forge/forge-test#description for more information.

You can use the --match-contract flag to filter the tests to be executed if needed. In addition, usually when debugging the contract under test we are interested in getting the Solidity traces. We can use the forge flag -vvvv to display them. For example

forge test --match-contract TokenTest -vvvv

HtsSystemContract Solidity tests + Relay for storage emulation (with forking)

These tests are the same of the section above, but instead of using the json-rpc-mock.js it uses the Relay with hedera-forking enabled pointing to testnet.

Storage Layout

The Solidity compiler solc provides an option to generate detailed storage layout information as part of the build output. This feature can be enabled by selecting the storageLayout option, which provides insights into how variables are stored in contract storage.

Enabling Storage Layout

In Hardhat.

To generate the storage layout using Hardhat, you need to modify the Hardhat configuration file hardhat.config.js as follows

module.exports = {
  solidity: {
    settings: {
      outputSelection: {
        '*': {
          '*': ['storageLayout'],

With this configuration, the storage layout information will be included in the build artifacts. You can find this information in the following path within the build output

output -> contracts -> ContractName.sol -> ContractName -> storageLayout

In Foundry.

Add the following line to your foundry.toml file

extra_output = ["storageLayout"]

The storageLayout object is included in the output file out/<Contract name>.sol/<Contract name>.json.

[!IMPORTANT] This is the one used in this project.

Understanding the Storage Layout Format

The storage layout is represented in JSON format with the following fields

See https://docs.soliditylang.org/en/latest/internals/layout_in_storage.html#json-output for more information.

Application to Token Smart Contract Emulation

For the purpose of our implementation, understanding which variable names are stored in specific slots is sufficient to develop a functional emulator for the token smart contract.

Issues with Storage for Mappings, Arrays, and Strings Longer than 31 Bytes

When dealing with mappings, arrays, and strings longer than 31 bytes in Solidity, these data types do not fit entirely within a single storage slot. This creates challenges when trying to access or compute their storage locations.

Accessing Mappings

For mappings, the value is not stored directly in the storage slot. Instead, to access a specific value in a mapping, you must first calculate the storage slot by computing the Keccak-256 hash of the concatenation of the "key" (the mapped value) and the "slot" number where the mapping is declared.

bytes32 storageSlot = keccak256(abi.encodePacked(key, uint256(slotNumber)));

To reverse-engineer or retrieve the original key (e.g., an address or token ID) from a storage slot, you'd need to maintain a mapping of keys to their corresponding storage hashes, which can be cumbersome.

Calculating Storage for User Addresses and Token IDs

For our current use case, where we need to calculate these values for user addresses and token IDs (which are integers), this is manageable

Handling Long Strings

Handling strings longer than 31 bytes is more complex

  1. Calculate the Slot Hash. Start by calculating the Keccak-256 hash of the slot number where the string is stored.

    bytes32 hashSlot = keccak256(abi.encodePacked(uint256(slotNumber)));
  2. Retrieve the Value. Access the value stored at this hash slot. If the string exceeds 32 bytes, retrieve the additional segments from consecutive slots (e.g., hashSlot + 1, hashSlot + 2, etc.), until the entire string is reconstructed.

This process requires careful calculation and multiple reads from storage to handle longer strings properly.


If you have a question on how to use the product, please see our support guide.


Contributions are welcome. Please see the contributing guide to see how you can get involved.

Code of Conduct

This project is governed by the Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct. By participating, you are expected to uphold this code of conduct. Please report unacceptable behavior to oss@hedera.com.


Apache License 2.0


Please do not file a public ticket mentioning the vulnerability. Refer to the security policy defined in the SECURITY.md.