hashgraph / hedera-smart-contracts

Contains Hedera Smart Contract Service supporting files
Apache License 2.0
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Hedera Smart Contracts Workflows

A detailed overview of how you can use hedera-smart-contract's github workflows for testing purposes. Besides examples, there will be explanations of what is happening under the hood.


Migration Testing

When there is a new version released, no matter if it is network-node, mirror-node, or relay, we want to make sure the entire ecosystem is working as expected and there are not any critical regressions introduced.

Another concern with switching the network node's versions is "the migration" that is running under the hood. It occurs every time a node has been started and detects if there is data for migration. The migration testing workflow offers this type of testing where we can choose versions for pre/post image tags.

Available workflow inputs are:


The testing matrix offers pretty big coverage as we can see. All options and combinations rely on us, and what's our end goal.