hashmesan / harmony-totp

SmartVault is a smart contract wallet designed with worry-free recovery using your Google Authenticator (no worry about secret, key phrases, device loss, email phishing, sms hijacking), and with many advanced wallet features.
21 stars 17 forks source link
harmony otp wallet

  [**Smartvault.one**](https://smartvault.one) | [**Demo Videos**](#demo-videos) | [**Security & Usability**](#security--usabilities) | [**Smart Contracts**](#smart-contracts) | [**Relayer**](#relayer) | [**Web client**](#Webclient) [![](https://github.com/hashmesan/harmony-totp/actions/workflows/docker-test.yml/badge.svg?branch=develop)](https://github.com/hashmesan/harmony-totp/actions/workflows/docker-test.yml) [![](https://github.com/hashmesan/harmony-totp/actions/workflows/webclient.yml/badge.svg?branch=develop)](https://github.com/hashmesan/harmony-totp/actions/workflows/webclient.yml) [![](https://dcbadge.vercel.app/api/shield/396016273798201344?style=plastic)](https://discordapp.com/users/396016273798201344)

SmartVault is a smart contract wallet designed with worry-free recovery using your Google Authenticator (no worry about key phrases, passwords, device loss, email phishing, sms hijacking), and with many advanced wallet features.

Contract Audited by Slowmist - see report

Demo Videos

New Wallet Demo

Demo Video- Create

Developer Guide

SmartVault Specifications

Developer Guide

Integrating Dapp


Deployed to gh-pages branch. Start using it out at smartvault.one


Command Line

Install: npm -g @hashmesan/smartvault

Usage: smartvault [options] [command]

  -V, --version                                           output the version number
  -e --env <env>                                          environment mainnet0, testnet0, testnet3 (default: "mainnet0")
  -h, --help                                              display help for command

  new [options] <name>                                    creates a new wallet
  recover <name> <code1> <code2> <code3> <code4> <code5>  recover wallet
  list                                                    list all wallets
  balance <address>                                       get balance
  transfer [options] [to] [amount]                        Transfer funds
  info <address>                                          Display wallet info
  set_daily_limit [options] <amount>                      set daily limit
  set_drain_address [options] <address>                   set drain address
  upgrade [options]                                       upgrades contract to latest
  debug-break [options]                                   forces a revert
  help [command]                                          display help for command

See Examples

Smart contracts

See /contracts

Contract Audited by Slowmist - see report


See /relayer


See /webclient
