hastebrot / protokola

Message Infrastructure.
Apache License 2.0
1 stars 0 forks source link
dolphin-platform kotlin message-driven


Message Infrastructure

Travis Build Canoo Incubator Apache License 2.0

What is Protokola?

Protokola is an experimental message infrastructure.


Proof of concept (November 2017 – February 2018):

Implementation Status

Components for a "Dolphin Platform 1.x"-compatible server and client.

Component Features
Channel :sunny: ClientRequest, :sunny: ServerResponse, :sunny: DolphinClientId, :sunny: SessionCookie.
Codec :sunny: CreatePresentationalModel, :umbrella: CreateContext, :umbrella: DestroyContext, :umbrella: CreateController, :umbrella: DestroyController, :sunny: DestroyPresentationalModelCommand, :umbrella: ValueChanged, :umbrella: CallAction, :umbrella: StartLongPoll, :umbrella: InterruptLongPoll.
Observable :sunny: get(value), :sunny: set(value), :sunny: push(array), :sunny: pop(array), :sunny: splice(array).
Registry :umbrella: Observable Property Registry, :umbrella: Property Path Registry.

About this Repository

Protokola currently exists as a mono-repository.