hastinbe / i3blocks-battery-plus

An enhanced battery status indicator for i3blocks
GNU General Public License v2.0
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battery i3blocks i3blocks-scripts i3wm


License: GPL v2

An enhanced battery status indicator for i3blocks.






Copy the blocklet configuration in the given i3blocks.conf into your i3blocks configuration file, the recommended config is:


Set the instance variable to your battery to monitor. If you want to monitor multiple batteries you will need to add this blocklet twice in your i3blocks.conf with different instance settings.


Notifications are provided by libnotify. Any libnotify compatible notification daemon can be used for notifications by specifying it with the -n option or the NOTIFY_PROGRAM variable. The most common are provided by notify-osd and dunst.

Expiration time of notifications can be changed using the -e <milliseconds> option. Default is 1500 ms. (Ubuntu's Notify OSD and GNOME Shell both ignore the expiration parameter.)


Designed to be fully customizable. The following can be set in your i3blocks.conf in newer versions of i3blocks, in older versions (<= 1.4-4) you can customize using the program options. The following are configurable:

Variable Type Description
_PERCENT string Symbol to use for the percent sign
_COLOR_FULLY_CHARGED string Color of the fully-charged symbol
_COLOR_CHARGING string Color of the charging symbol
_COLOR_DISCHARGING string Color of the discharging symbol
_COLOR_PENDING string Color of the pending charge symbol
_COLOR_ERROR string Color of the battery error symbol
_COLOR_BATTERY string Color of the battery symbol
_COLOR_ALERT string Color of the alert symbol
_COLOR_DIRECTIONAL_UP string Color of the battery charge increasing indicator
_COLOR_DIRECTIONAL_DOWN string Color of the battery charge decreasing indicator
_SYMBOL_FULLY_CHARGED string Symbol to indicate battery is fully-charged
_SYMBOL_CHARGING string Symbol to indicate the battery is charging
_SYMBOL_DISCHARGING string Symbol to indicate the battery is discharging
_SYMBOL_UNKNOWN string Symbol to indicate the battery state is unknown
_SYMBOL_PENDING string Symbol to indicate the battery state is pending
_SYMBOL_ERROR string Symbol to indicate the battery state is undefined
_SYMBOL_ALERT string Symbol to indicate there is an alert
_SYMBOL_BATT_100 string Symbol for a battery 100% charged
_SYMBOL_BATT_75 string Symbol for a battery 75% charged
_SYMBOL_BATT_50 string Symbol for a battery 50% charged
_SYMBOL_BATT_25 string Symbol for a battery 25% charged
_SYMBOL_BATT_0 string Symbol for a battery with no/low charge
_SYMBOL_DIRECTION_UP string Symbol to indicate battery charge is increasing
_SYMBOL_DIRECTION_DOWN string Symbol to indicate battery charge is decreasing
_USE_BATT_GRADIENT boolean Use a color gradient for the battery symbol based on the % of charge
_SUPPRESS_SYMBOLS boolean Suppress all symbols from output
_SYMBOLS_ONLY boolean Display only symbols, no text
_HIDE_IF_CHARGED boolean Hide the indicator if the battery is fully-charged
_HIDE_PERCENTAGE boolean Hide the battery percentage
_HIDE_TIME_REMAINING boolean Hide the battery time remaining
_HIDE_TIME_TO_FULL boolean Hide the time to charge the battery to full
_SHOW_CHARGE_DIRECTION boolean Show the direction of change for the battery's percentage
_CAPACITY_ALERT integer Percentage of battery capacity to indicate an alert
_CRITICAL_ACTION string Action to take when the battery level reaches critical (none, notify)
_LOW_ACTION string Action to take when the battery level reaches low (none, notify)
_NOTIFY_PROGRAM string A libnotify compatible program to send notifications (notify-send, dunstify)
_NOTIFY_EXPIRES integer The duration, in milliseconds, for the notification to appear on screen
_NOTIFY_THROTTLE integer Minimum time in seconds between notifications to prevent spam
_HIDE_OVER_PERCENTAGE integer Percentage above which a battery is considered full


battery-plus is released under GNU General Public License v2

Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.