hasura / ndc-jvm-mono

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e# Hasura NDC V3 JVM Repository

This repository contains the source code for the Hasura NDC V3 Connectors deployed on the JVM.

It consists of the following components:


Building the Connectors

To build the connectors, run the following command:

./gradlew build -x test

This will run the build and skip tests for each of the services.

When finished, the following files should be present:

Running the Connectors


Before a connector can be run, an environment variable HASURA_CONFIGURATION_DIRECTORY must be present and point to the directory containing the connector.config.json for that connector.

For example, to use the provided Oracle test configuration file, you can use: export HASURA_CONFIGURATION_DIRECTORY=$(pwd)/ndc-connector-oracle.

There are two ways to run the connectors:

  1. In Development Mode
    • To run the connector in development mode, run the following command:
      ./gradlew :ndc-connector-oracle:quarkusDev --console=plain
    • This will start the connectors in hot-reload mode, which will automatically reload when changes are made to the source code.
  2. In Production Mode
    • To run the connector in production mode, run the following command:
      java -jar ndc-connector-oracle/build/quarkus-app/quarkus-run.jar

Running the CLI

To run the CLI, either launch it via the Gradle task, or build a distribution and run the bundled executable.

A bundled distribution .zip and .tar can be found in the ndc-cli/build/distributions directory.


To build the Docker images, run the following commands:

docker compose build ndc-connector-oracle

To run the Docker images, run the following commands:

docker run \
  --rm \
  -p 8100:8100 \
  -v $config_file_location:/etc/connector/configuration.json \


To run the tests against the Oracle connector, use the ndc-spec test binary.

This comes from the ndc-spec repo, which can be found here:

git clone https://github.com/hasura/ndc-spec
cd ndc-spec
cargo run --bin ndc-test -- test \
  --endpoint http://localhost:8100 \
  --snapshots-dir snapshots