hatchways / team-penguin

World Chat Messenger allows users from completely different language backgrounds to converse with each other in their own language taking globalization to the next level.
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Team Penguin : World Chat Messenger



World Chat Messenger is a modern chat application that allows users to communicate in their own language. Think of a scenario when you are travelling in a foreign country and would like to have seamless communication with another individual. Maybe you need to ask for directions to a tourist spot or explore non touristy areas or eat where locals would. All you need is this messenger app, send an invite to a person you want to communicate with and as soon as they signup you can have seamless conversation.

Technology Stack


Rajat Bansal & Carol Chung




Sign Up



Main Chat Page

Chat Page

Conversation in translated language (hindi)

Conversation in Hindi

Ability to Switch to Original Language

Switch To Original Language

Email Invite

Email Invitation

Search Friends

Search Friends Feature

Invitation Tab - Sent and Received Invites

Invitations Tab

Deployment link to appear very soon.