hatemfaheem / ai-story-generator

Generate stories using AI
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drawing # AI Story Generator

Generate stories using AI. From text to story (pdf and video)..


Generate stories using AI. From text to story (pdf and video).

Example videos can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/@ai-story

A sample story can be found under _stories dir. The sample contains raw content (image, text and audio) alongside final_video.mp4 and final_story.pdf.

High Level Diagram

Alt text


Install requirements.txt.

Try it with a pre-generated story

python3 main.py --help

Process a pre-generated story.

python3 main.py --pickle ./_stories/2023_01_06_17_38_47-Five_Little_Monkeys/story_content.pickle

Generate a new Story

Open AI Credentials

  1. Register with open AI beta: https://beta.openai.com/
  2. Get organization and api key.
  3. Create a local file named openai_creds.json with the below format and put it root dir of the project.
  "organization":  "xxx-XXXXXXXX",

Pass a prompt instead of a pickle file

Replace "The Friendly Panda" with your favorite story title/prompt.

python3 main.py --prompt "The Friendly Panda"

Using AWS Polly

  1. Go to AWS console.
  2. Create an IAM User.
  3. Attach existing policy AmazonPollyFullAccess
  4. Under ./credentials create a new file called polly-creds.json and add the below content.
  "access_key": "xxxxxxxx",
  "secret_key": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"

Check Results

Results can be found under _stories directory with a new dir prefixed with date and time of run.

Important Note

Open AI has limitations/restrictions on what kind of content you can create. So, it may fail to generate text or images for specific words and sentences.
