hato-cc-legacy / front-end

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Hato front-end

Table of Contents


This is the front-end portion of the Hato project, built with React and TypeScript. It handles the user interface, interacting with various APIs, and managing state across the application. The project uses the Vite build tool.


The front-end portion is organized into the following key directories:

Getting Started

Intall Git and clone this repository.


You need to install Node.js

node js


You need to install your server. Once the server is running, you can access the application at your local server (or the port configured in your Vite settings).

The step will be

npm install

Environment Variables

Create .env.development file in your root. The file .env.production should contain necessary variables such as API endpoints, authentication keys, etc. Add your local server url here.


This should be modified to the deployed URL once this project deployed later.

After Installing

npm run dev

API Integration

The front-end project integrates with backend APIs through files in the src/api/ directory:

TypeScript Interfaces

The src/interfaces/ directory contains TypeScript interfaces to define the structure of data throughout the application. Key interfaces include: