hawkeye-stan / msfs-popout-panel-manager

Pop out panel manager for MSFS 2020
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
99 stars 8 forks source link

MSFS Pop Out Panel Manager

MSFS Pop Out Panel Manager is an application for MSFS 2020 which helps pop out, save and position pop out panels to be used by utilities such as Sim Innovations Air Manager or to place pop out panels onto your screen or another monitor at predetermined locations automatically. It also adds touch capability to pop out panels that are operated on touch screen which is currently not supported by the game.

Please follow FlightSimulator.com forum thread regarding this project or comments at Flightsim.to.

Getting Started

Please see Getting Started guide to setup your first profile - Updated for version 4.1.

Video showing how to create a new aircraft profile and panel source selection:

Video showing how to update existing aircraft profile (Pre-Version 4.1) to use the new panel selection method:

Video showing how to use the new floating panel feature:

How to Install

  1. After downloading the latest zip package from github repository or from Flightsim.to website, extract the zip package to a folder of your choice on your computer.

  2. If you're using Auto Pop Out Panel feature, a plugin is required to be installed in MSFS community folder. Please copy the folder "zzz-ready-to-fly-button-skipper" into your MSFS community folder. This plugin is used to automatically skip the "Ready to Fly" button press when flight starts so Auto Pop Out Panel can start its process.

  3. Start the application MSFSPopoutPanelManager.exe and it will automatically connect when MSFS/SimConnect starts.

  4. If Pop Out Panel Manager is not connecting to the game (green connection icon in the upper left corner of the app), you may be missing VC++ redistributable that is required for SimConnect to work. Please download and install the following VC++ redistributable on your PC to resolve this issue.

How to Update

  1. To update the application, you can download the latest zip package and directly extract the package into your Pop Out Manager installation folder and overwrite all files within. Your application setting and profile data will be safe.

  2. You can also use the built-in auto update feature and let the application handles the update. If the update is optional, you can skip the update if you so choose. When you start the application and if an update is available, a dialog will appear and it will show the latest version's release notes and an option to update the application.

  3. If you're not being prompt for update when new update is available, please try the following fix:

    • Restart you computer and most of the time this will do the trick.
    • Clear your default web browser cache on your computer since auto update will try to download latest version of update configuration file from github repository and the file may have been cached on your machine.
    • Clear Internet Browser History. First search for "Internet Options" in Windows control panel. In "General" tab, select "Delete" in Browsing History section.

Application Features

Touch Enable Pop Out Feature

To enable touch support, just activate the hand icon for the panel that you want this support.

This feature will make pop out panel touch capable on touch screen monitor or tablet (through remote display tool such as Spacedesk. As of this writing, MSFS does not support touch natively on touch enabled display and Pop Out Panel Manager tries to fill this gap by providing touch capabilities to aircraft panels such as:

The touch enabled pop out feature solved two limitations in MSFS.

User Profile Data Files

The user plane profile data and application settings data are stored as JSON files under your "Documents" folder. (%userprofile%\Documents\MSFS Pop Out Manager)

You can backup this folder and restore this folder if you want to uninstall and reinstall MSFS Pop Out Manager.

Current Known Issue

Common Problem Resolution


Stanley Kwok hawkeyesk@outlook.com

I welcome feedback to help improve the usefulness of this application. You are welcome to take a copy of this code to further enhance it and use within your own project. But please abide by licensing terms and keep it open source:)


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Thank you for your super kind support of this app!


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