Illust credit: いらすとや / tenntenn/gopher-stickers
vim-stacktrace provides a way to get a callstack or build stacktrace by error information (e.g. v:throwpoint
, error message).
You can create quickfix list or location list from the result.
vim-stacktrace helps you to debug Vim script :bug: and to report a helpful error report to issue tracker of Vim plugins :two_hearts:
sets selected error stacktrace to quickfix list from message history.
returns current callstack.
call dein#add('haya14busa/vim-stacktrace', {'build': 'make'})
Plug 'haya14busa/vim-stacktrace', { 'do': 'make' }
vim-stacktrace demonstrates a feasibility to write Vim plugin in Go lang for Vim 8.0.
Libraries which helps me to write vim-stacktrace in Go lang.
haya14busa (