A bot to play around with on a discord server.
To use, you will need to create a discord bot at https://discordapp.com/developers/applications
Once you have a bot, create an auth.json file with the following code:
{ "token": "YOUR_TOKEN_GOES_HERE" }
The token is generated by discord and can be found on your bots page.
Add your bot to a server using https://discordapp.com/oauth2/authorize?&client_id=CLIENTID&scope=bot&permissions=8
Replace CLIENTID with your client id, found on your application general information page
node.js is required to run the bot. Download at https://nodejs.org/en/ Once node.js is installed, you can run npm install in the folder with all of the bot files to install the required dependencies. Finally, launch the bot with:
node bot.js
Try it out with !ping in your server. The bot should respond Pong! so that you know it's working.