haystack / listit

The listit lightweight notetaking client
MIT License
9 stars 6 forks source link


List.it is a cross platform note-taking application. It uses Backbone.js to manage it's views, models, and collections; jQuery for DOM manipulation; Underscore.js and Underscore.string for utility functions; a fork of wysihtml5 for rich-text input; and Apache Ant as it's build system.

At it's core, List.it is a platform independent webapp however, platform specific functionality can be added by overriding built-in functions/classes and acting on events. However, platform specific code should NEVER be injected into the core application, instead it should be placed in the correct platform folder and be hooked in by the build system.

For more information, see: welist.it

Coding Style

List.it uses the JSHint static code checker. Please check your code before committing to avoid common JavaScript pitfalls.

This project uses 2 space indents, does not insert newlines before/after braces, uses mixedCase for variable names, and CamelCase for class names:

var myFunction = function(a, b) {
  if (a > b) {
    return 1;
  } else if (b > a) {
    return -1;
  } else if (a === b) {
    return 0;
  } else {
    throw new Error("Invalid Comparison");

var MyClass = function() {};

Also, even if slightly less efficient, please prefer Underscore and Underscore.string functions where appropriate for readability and consistency.


Contributors are listed in the CONTRIBUTORS file. This file is parsed by the build system to generate various author lists so please keep it clean (one name per line).

Library modifications

Backbone Modifications

For a less ad-hoc description of the changes, please see the actual code.

In addition to the standard backbone features, list.it adds the following features to all models:

  1. A complete callback option to Backbone.Model#fetch() and Backbone.Model(). This method is called when the model has been completely initialized.
  2. A fetch option to Backbone.Model() that causes the model to immediately fetch itself from List.it's storage mechanism.
  3. A Backbone.Model#initialized() method to compliment the built-in Backbone.Model#initialize() method. initialized() is called after the model has been completely initialized just like the complete callback.

List.it's version of backbone also has very basic BackboneRelational support. While it would have been nice to use BackboneRelational as is, it's extremely slow. Therefore, List.it implements it's own stripped down/less powerful version.

This relational model is exposed through Backbone.RelModel and has the following additional features:

  1. A relations property that stores a mapping of (<relation_name>: {/*desc*/}) pairs where <relation_name> is the name of the related object and {/*desc*/} is in the form:

      type: Related Model/Collection,
      includeInJSON: A list of keys, or single key, to include in the jsonified
      object (saved to storage).
  2. A fetchRelated(options) method that fetches related models and calls options.complete when done.

  3. The fetch(options) method calls fetchRelated() if options.fetchRelated is true.

  4. The model constructor accepts an additional fetchRelated option that causes related models to be fetched after fetching the primary model. The options.complete callback will not be called until all related models have been fetched.

Underscore Modifications

In addition to the standard underscore functions, list.it adds the following:

  1. _.pop(object, key, default) - Removes and returns key (or default) from object. This mimics python's dict#pop method.
  2. _.kmap(object, Function(value, key, object), context) - Map but with object keys instead of array indices. Returns an object with the same keys but the new values.
  3. _.mask(function, arg_indicies) - Rewires the function arguments by arg_indicies. For example, _.mask(function() {return arguments;}, 2, 1)('a', 'b', 'c', 'd') will return ['c', 'b'].

Additionally, list.it uses a modified version of the _.uniqueID function that should return an ID that is unique across all windows.

Directory Structure

Base Layout

Directory Description
build/<platform>/ Build cache
debug/<platform>/ Debug build destination
platforms/<platform>/build.xml Platform specific build file
release/<platform>/ Release build destination
src/ Application source code (see Source Layout)
build.xml Global build file; builds all platforms
platform-common.xml Common platform build targets (included by platform build files)
base-common.xml Common global build targets
global.properties Global build properties
resources.xml Global resource definitions; platforms use these when including javascript/css
util.xml Common utility build macros

Source Layout (under src/)

Directory Description
css/ CSS assets
css/platforms/<platform>/ Platform specific CSS assets
js/ JavaScript Assets (see JavaScript Layout)
js/platforms/<platform>/ Platform specific JavaScript assets
img/ Image assets
templates/ Underscore HTML templates (see Templates)
templates/platforms/<platform>/ Platform specific templates

JavaScript Layout (under src/js/)

Directory Description
collectors/ See Collectors
migrations/ See Migrating
libs/ Libraries
models/ Data models
observers/ See Logging
views/ Data Views
actionqueue.js Provides an in-order asynchronous executor for time consuming execution sequences; used for rendering
constants.js Global constants
defines-debug.js Debug settings; auto-generated
lititStorage.js Fallback model storage cache that uses local storage (see Storage)
main.js Main setup file run before anything else; used to setup the environment
router.js The backbone router (see Pages)
setup.js Triggers the setup signals (see Setup, you probably won't need to mess with this)
setup-models.js Model setup file (see Setup)
setup-views.js View setup file (see Setup)
templates.js The compiled templates; auto-generated (see Templates)
migrate.js The migration coordinator (see Migrating)
util.js Various utility functions that don't really belong anywhere else


List.it uses underscore.js as it's underlying templating engine. Templates are stored in src/templates as html files. Before using a template, it must be compiled. Templates are automatically compiled when compiling list.it but can be compiled separately by issuing ant templates.

To render a (non-platform-specific) template stored in src/templates/<path>.html, with the context <ctx>, call ListIt.templates[<path>](<ctx>). For example, the main page template, stored at src/templates/pages/main.html can be rendered by calling ListIt.templates['pages/main'](). To render a platform specific template, just drop the platforms/<platform>/ prefix. That is, to render src/templates/platforms/firefox/ff-alert.html, you would call ListIt.templates['ff-alert']().


Collectors, found in src/js/collectors, add metadata to new or recently modified notes. Collectors should listen on the global event interface (see Event Interfaces) for the following events:

Event On
note:request:parse:new Issued when a new note is created and should be parsed.
note:request:parse:change Issued when a note is changed and should be parsed.
note:request:parse Issued when alongside either of the two previous events.

Listeners are passed a JSONified version of the note to be parsed and the source window if applicable.

TODO: This event name/entire system is kind of weird and should be changed.


List.it logs user actions (if enabled by the user) for research purposes. There are three parts to the logging system:

  1. The logging module.
  2. The observers.
  3. user:<action> events.

The logging module handles the actual storage of the logs but should contain no event specific logic. That is, it shouldn't care about what is being logged at all.

The observers handle the creation of log entries. They listen for events/changes in list.it and submit the appropriate log entries. They are kept separate so to keep logging and functionality separate.

Unfortunately, some code must be inserted into the functional code to facilitate logging. In general, these code snippets should simply trigger user:<action>. Observers should listen to for these events and act appropriately. NOTE: A user:<action> event should never include information specific to logging functionality; they should only be used to indicate that the user has performed some action. Please don't pollute the code base.

Event Interfaces

In addition to the model specific event handlers, each window (background, sidebar, options, etc.) has it's own local event interface ListIt.lvent and the entire extension as a whole has a global event interface ListIt.gvent. The local event interface should be used for any events that are pertinent to the local window only (setup etc.). The global interface, on the other hand, should be used to broadcast information that is relevant to the entire extension.


On startup (global and per page), list.it sets up the environment by issuing setup events on the local event interface (ListIt.lvent). The events are triggered in the following order:

Event Description
setup:before Issued before setup.
This is where any migration code runs.
This is where models are setup (ListIt.notebook etc.).
This is where views are setup. This event is not triggered until the DOM has finished loading (jQuery.ready).
setup:after Issued after the setup has completed.

Each setup event listener is passed the ListIt instance and a barrier. If an event listener needs to pause the setup process while it performs some asynchronous operation, it should call acquire() on the barrier before executing the asynchronous operation and then release() from the asynchronous operation's callback.


If the way in which list.it stores data is changed, the version (ListIt.VERSION) should be changed so that a migration can take place. List.it has three migration types: upgrade, downgrade, and initialize. If the version is raised, upgrade migrations are triggered, if it is lowered, downgrade migrations are triggered, and if the stored version is zero, initialization migrations are triggered.

On upgrade/downgrade, List.it will trigger the following events:

upgrade/downgrade:prepare Indicates that an upgrade/downgrade is about to take place.
Arguments: ListIt, {to: <dest_version>, from: <old_version>}, barrier
Indicates that list.it is upgrading/downgrading to version <n>. On upgrade, these events are triggered for every version greater than the current version and less than or equal to the target version (in increasing order). On downgrade, these events are triggered for every version less than or equal to the current version and greater than the target version (in decreasing order).
Arguments: ListIt, {to: <dest_version>, from: <old_version>, now: <n>}, barrier
upgrade/downgrade:complete Indicates that an upgrade/downgrade has completed.
Arguments: ListIt, {to: <dest_version>, from: <old_version>}, barrier

On initialization, List.it will trigger the following events in order:

  1. initialize:prepare
  2. initialize
  3. initialize:complete

As usual, if the barrier is acquired, the upgrade process does not move on until it has been released.


Most list.it windows (for lack of a better term), use a page system to allow multiple pages in the same window. To add a page to a window, call ListIt.addPage(my_page_name, my_page_view) where my_page_view is the page's Backbone View.

Pages can be accessed by navigating to #/<my_page_name>.


List.it supports multiple asynchronous storage backends. It uses localStorage by default but can use alternative storage backends (attached to ListIt.stores) as long as they implement the following interface:

 * Get the value specified by key.
 * @param {String} key The key (usually a path)
 * @param {Object} [options] The callbacks
 *   @property {Function(Object value)} [success] The success callback.
 *   @property {Function(Object err)} [error]     The error callback.
 * If the operation succeeds this method MUST call the success callback (if
 * specified) with the object referenced by `key`.
 * If the operation fails, this method MUST call the error callback (if
 * specified) and may pass an optional error value (free-form).
function get(key, options);

 * Set the value spefified by key.
 * @param {String} key    The key (usually a path).
 * @param {Object} value  The value to store (must be serializable).
 * @param {Object} [options] The callbacks
 *   @property {Function()} [success]         The success callback.
 *   @property {Function(Object err)} [error] The error callback.
 * If the operation succeeds this method MUST call the success callback (if
 * specified.
 * If this operation fails, this method MUST call the error callback and may
 * pass an optional error object.
function set(key, value, options);

 * Set the value spefified by key.
 * @param {String} key        The key (usually a path).
 * @param {Object} [options]  The callbacks
 *   @property {Function()} [success]         The success callback.
 *   @property {Function(Object err)} [error] The error callback.
 * If the operation succeeds this method MUST call the success callback (if
 * specified.
 * If this operation fails, this method MUST call the error callback and may
 * pass an optional error object.
function unset(key, options);

Set ListIt.store to change the global storage backend and set <model>.store to change a specific model's storage backend.

Build System

It's a mess but that describes pretty much every build system.


To build list.it, you need Apache Ant. Everything else is included.

Release Builds

To release a platform, change to the platform's directory (platforms/<platform>) and run:

ant release

Release builds appear under release/<platform>.

Note: to build all platforms, issue ant release in the root directory.

To change the version, edit global.properties

Nightly Builds

To build a nightly build (using the nightly build versioning system (the date) instead of the normal version), run

ant nightly


To build a debug build, switch to the platforms directory and then run:

ant debug

Debug builds are generally left in the debug folder and allow one to edit code without rebuilding. However,the following exceptions apply:

For debugging setup instructions, see the README file in the respective platform's directory.

Note: to build all platforms, issue ant debug in the root directory.

Other Tasks

The following additional targets are available:

Task Description
ant templates Recompile the templates without recompiling everything else.
ant jshint Run the jshint static code checker.
ant clean Remove temporary build files.