hazelcast / hazelcast-platform-operator-docs

Source content for the Kubernetes Operator of Hazelcast Platform (Enterprise)
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= Documentation for Hazelcast Platform Operator // Settings: ifdef::env-github[] :warning-caption: :warning: endif::[] // URLs: :url-org: https://github.com/hazelcast :url-contribute: https://github.com/hazelcast/hazelcast-docs/blob/develop/.github/CONTRIBUTING.adoc :url-ui: {url-org}/hazelcast-docs-ui :url-playbook: {url-org}/hazelcast-docs :url-staging: https://pedantic-goldberg-f76ec1.netlify.app/ :url-cc: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/ :url-operator-docs: {url-org}/hazelcast-platform-operator-docs :url-mc-docs: {url-org}/management-center-docs


This repository contains the Antora components for the Hazelcast Platform Operator documentation.

The documentation source files are marked up with AsciiDoc.

== Docs Structure

This section describes some important information about how this repository is structured:

== Release Workflow

Documentation for new releases is hosted in versioned branches that are prefixed with v/. The latest-dev content (snapshot content) is stored in the main branch.

We support documentation for the latest patch releases of minor versions. For example, content for the 5.0 version is hosted in the v/5.0 branch. This branch contains content for the latest patch release of version 5.0.

NOTE: The documentation build process is triggered whenever you create a new branch with the v/ prefix, push to an existing v/ branch, or push to the main branch.

=== Creating Release Branches

. If you are releasing a new major version, create a release branch from the main branch. + For example, if you are releasing version 5.1, create a new release branch named 5.1 from the main branch.

. Update the fields mentioned in <<latest-releases, Latest Releases>>.

. Remove the prerelease: true field from the docs/antora.yml file of the hz-docs repository. + IMPORTANT: If you are creating a branch for a beta release, do not remove this field.

. When you are ready to release, create a maintenance branch (v/<version>) from the release branch. + NOTE: As soon as you push the maintenance branch to the repository, GitHub will trigger a new build of the site, which will include your new content.

. Make sure to delete the release branch. + For example, if you released version 5.1, delete the 5.1 branch. This step helps to keep the repository clean of release branches.

=== Latest Releases

Add the major.minor version to the following:

[cols="1m,1m,1m,1m"] |=== |Repository|Branch|File|Fields

|{url-operator-docs}[hazelcast-platform-operator-docs] |v/{major.minor version} |docs/antora.yml a|

|{url-playbook}[hazelcast-docs] a|main and develop |_redirects |/hazelcast-operator/latest/*

a Create a new object in the start_urls array.

{ "url": "https://docs.hazelcast.com/hazelcast-operator/(?P<version>.*?)/", "tags": [ "hazelcast-operator-{major.minor version}" ], "variables": { "version": ["{major.minor version}"] }, "selectors_key": "operator" }


Add the full version major.minor.patch to the following:

[cols="1m,1m,1m"] |=== |Repository|File|Fields

|{url-operator-docs}[hazelcast-platform-operator-docs] |docs/antora.yml a|

=== Patch Releases

In the v/ branch for the minor version whose patch you are releasing, update the asciidoc.attributes.full-version field in the antora.yml file to the new patch version. For example, if you are releasing version 5.0.3, find the v/5.0 branch and update the asciidoc.attributes.full-version field in the antora.yml file with 5.0.3.

NOTE: As soon as you push content to this branch, GitHub will trigger a new build of the site, which will include your new content.

== GitHub Actions

To automate some elements of the build process, this repository includes the following GitHub Actions:

.GitHub Actions [cols="m,a,a"] |=== |File |Description |Triggers

|validate-site.yml |Validates that all internal and external links are working |On a pull request to the main branch and v/ maintenance branches

|build-site.yml |Builds the production documentation site by sending a build hook to Netlify (the hosting platform that we use) |On a push to the main branch and any v/ maintenance branches |===

== Contributing

If you want to add a change or contribute new content, see our {url-contribute}[contributing guide].

To let us know about something that you'd like us to change, consider {url-org}/hazelcast-operator/issues/new[creating an issue].

== License

All documentation is available under the terms of a link:{url-cc}[Creative Commons License]