hbarnard / cclite

Cclite: Community Currency Software
11 stars 4 forks source link

This is the Debian format version of Cclite 0.9.4 as a working repository. Since it's development, code here is NOT regression tested, the regression-tested versions are on sourceforge.

The tarballs and debian packages are on Sourceforge at: http://sourceforge.net/projects/cclite/

Cclite is a Perl package for local exchange trading systems (LETS), banking and other alternative money systems. Multi-registry, multi-currency, web services based (SOAP) and REST transactions and templated to give multi-lingual capabilities:

* Lightweight perl implementation of cc registry
* Can do networked multi-registries
* Registries can be multi-currency
* Can use a set of web services based (SOAP) transactions
* Some REST features available using .htaccess
* Capable of interworking with non Cclite software (via web services and REST)
* Roughly follows Richard Kay's specification
* Registry is MySQL (schema based on Mose's work with tiki-wiki)
* Multilingual ready via HTML templating Simple::Template
* Support for payment via SMS, Encrypted email and Jabber
* Simple services directory
* Experimental rss feeds for trade items, offered, wanted, matched search
* Works on Ubuntu Heron, Fedora (at least)
* Apt-get install for Ubuntu, may work on commodity hosting
* Web based configuration and checker

* There's a bug tracker within the sourceforge project

* If you want help with cclite join the google group:
  http://groups.google.co.uk/group/cclite?hl=en this will be moving soon (as of summer 2017)

Many things are changed/improved in 0.9.4 please see /usr/share/doc/cclite which contains release notes.

The main work that has been done recently is SMS with Gammu.pm/Gnokki.pm and using gammu [qv] to transport the messages. This 'frees' Cclite from commercial SMS http gateways and gives it an autonmous SMS system.

The SOAP will be de-emphasised in future versions in favour of REST

Also, all installations can use SHA2 now because of the changes to Digest in the Perl core. The core functions of Cclite [no RSS etc.] should install without additional modules. Also there's a preliminary Redhat package on sourceforge and both the Ubuntu and Redhat have been [somewhat] tested on Amazon EC2 instances. The Chinese and French templates are hopefully a little better too, but we'd welcome help for the other languages.