hbb20 / AndroidCountryPicker

Android Country Picker is a Kotlin-first, flexible and powerful Android library that allows to integrate Country Picker with just a few lines.
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android android-library country-flags country-information country-picker country-selection country-selector country-spinner currency-picker kotlin library lightweight multilanguage-support picker

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Country Picker View Country Picker Dialog

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Default Country Picker View i. add following to your XML layout ```xml ``` ii. modify view / dialog / list config in activity or fragment ```kotlin private fun setupCountryPickerView() { val countryPicker = findViewById(R.id.countryPicker) // Modify CPViewConfig if you need. Access cpViewConfig through `cpViewHelper` countryPicker.cpViewHelper.cpViewConfig.viewTextGenerator = { cpCountry: CPCountry -> "${cpCountry.name} (${cpCountry.alpha2})" } // make sure to refresh view once view configuration is changed countryPicker.cpViewHelper.refreshView() // Modify CPDialogConfig if you need. Access cpDialogConfig through `countryPicker.cpViewHelper` // countryPicker.cpViewHelper.cpDialogConfig. // Modify CPListConfig if you need. Access cpListConfig through `countryPicker.cpViewHelper` // countryPicker.cpViewHelper.cpListConfig. // Modify CPRowConfig if you need. Access cpRowConfig through `countryPicker.cpViewHelper` // countryPicker.cpViewHelper.cpRowConfig. } ``` ii. [Read More](https://github.com/hbb20/AndroidCountryPicker/wiki/Country-Picker-View) about Country Picker View and available configuration
Custom Country Picker View i. Read how to create your [Custom Country Picker View](https://github.com/hbb20/AndroidCountryPicker/wiki/Custom-Country-Picker-View)
Launch Country Picker Dialog i. add following to your Activity/Fragment ```kotlin context.launchCountryPickerDialog { selectedCountry: CPCountry? -> // your code to handle selected country } ``` ii. [Read More](https://github.com/hbb20/AndroidCountryPicker/wiki/Country-Picker-Dialog) about CountryPicker Dialog and available configuration
Load countries in RecyclerView i. add following to your Activity/Fragment ```kotlin recyclerView.loadCountries { selectedCountry: CPCountry -> // your code to handle selected country } ``` ii. [Read More](https://github.com/hbb20/AndroidCountryPicker/wiki/Country-List-(RecyclerView)) about Country List and available configuration
