hbdat / eccv20_Multi_Task_Procedure_Learning

Self-Supervised Multi-Task Procedure Learning from Instructional Videos @ ECCV20
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Self-Supervised Multi-Task Procedure Learning from Instructional Videos


This repository contains the implementation of Self-Supervised Multi-Task Procedure Learning from Instructional Videos.


Data Preparation


1) Please download and extract the annotations and video links of CrossTask to ./data/CrossTask via https://www.di.ens.fr/~dzhukov/crosstask/crosstask_release.zip

2) To crawl videos in CrossTask from YouTube, please run:

python ./download_youtube/download_youtube_CrossTask.py

3) To extract and subsample video frame feature, please run:

python ./extract_feature/extract_img_frame_CrossTask.py
python ./extract_feature/extract_feature_cats_CrossTask_subsample.py


1) Please download and extract the annotations and video links of ProceL to ./data/ProceL via https://drive.google.com/file/d/1b8PoZlYeNMP3PieJ3_80KkeibaCmmljS/view?usp=sharing

2) To crawl videos in ProceL from YouTube, please run:

python ./download_youtube/download_youtube_ProceL.py

3) Please run the following preprocessing script to gather annotation file in ProceL:

python ./preprocess/rename_gather_mat_file_ProceL.py

4) To extract and subsample video frame feature, please run:

python ./extract_feature/extract_img_frame_ProceL.py
python ./extract_feature/extract_feature_cats_ProceL.py
python ./extract_feature/extract_feature_cats_ProceL_subsample.py


[CrossTask] Task-Specific Setting

1) To train the task-specific model on CrossTask dataset, please run:

chmod +x ./chain_experiment_script/CrossTask/CrossTask_same_cat_ss.sh

[CrossTask] Multi-Task Setting

1) To train the multi-task model on CrossTask dataset, please run:

chmod +x ./chain_experiment_script/CrossTask/CrossTask_all_cat_experiments.sh

[ProceL] Multi-Task Setting

1) To train the multi-task model on ProceL dataset, please run:

chmod +x ./chain_experiment_script/ProceL/all_cat_experiments.sh

Pretrained Models

For ease of reproducing the results, we provided the pretrained models for: Dataset Setting Model
CrossTask K=15 (Teacher model) download
CrossTask K=15 (Student model) download
Procel K=15 (Teacher model) download
Procel K=15 (Student model) download


If this code is helpful for your research, we would appreciate if you cite the work:

  author = {E.~Elhamifar and D.~Huynh},
  title = {Self-Supervised Multi-Task Procedure Learning from Instructional Videos},
  journal = {European Conference on Computer Vision},
  year = {2020}}