hbin0701 / Self-Explore

[EMNLP Findings 2024 & ACL 2024 NLRSE Oral] Enhancing Mathematical Reasoning in Language Models with Fine-grained Rewards
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Self-Explore to avoid ️the p️️it!
Improving the Reasoning Capabilities of Language Models with Fine-grained Rewards

This is the official github repository for Self-Explore.

Paper Link: https://arxiv.org/abs/2404.10346


Overview Image


Run pip install -r requirements.txt
All experiments were carried out using 4 x NVIDIA A100 80GB, with CUDA version 12.0.


In the data directory, you will find the train and test file for GSM8K and MATH.


Stage 1. Run SFT:

Run SFT (or FT, in short) to get the base generator.
In /scripts/{task}/sft/run_ft.sh you'll see the script necessary for this. (For data_path, please put the trian file.)
Put necessary paths to the files and models then simply run sh scripts/{task}/sft/run_ft.sh in the main directory.

Stage 2. Get RFT Data:

Now you'll need to generate N instances per problem.
To do this, go to gen directory and run sh gen_rft_data.sh.
This assumes you are using 4 GPUs, and generates the predictions in parallel using each GPU.
Once completed, you will see RFT and DPO training file.

Stage 3. Run RFT:

Run RFT to get the RFT model, which acts our explorer and reference model when training for DPO.
in /scripts/{task}/sft/run_rft.sh you'll see the script necessary for this.
Put necessary paths to the files and models then simply run sh /scripts/{task}/sft/run_rft.sh in the main directory.

Stage 4. 🔎 Explore :

To find the first pit, let the RFT model explore from each step within rejected sample.
You can do this by running gen_step_explore.sh in gen directory. (For datapath here, please put the DPO file generated).
Then you will get a file named ending in `gpair
which is your fine-grained pairwise training data.

Stage 5. Train with Preference Learning Objective:

You can apply any arbitrary preference learning objective, but in our work, we chose DPO (Direct Preference Optimization).
To do this refer to scripts/{task}/dpo/run_dpo.sh.

  • To run with the outcome-supervision labels, set the training data as the DPO file generated in Stage 3.
  • To run with the step-level fine-grained labels (ours), set the training data as the gpair file generated in Stage 4.


Under eval/{task} directory, you'll find the script needed for running evaluation.


Result Image


We release our best trained DeepSeek-Math's GSM8K and MATH trained checkpoints on huggingface. Model Accuracy Download
DeepSeek_Math_Self_Explore_GSM8K 78.62 🤗 HuggingFace
DeepSeek_Math_Self_Explore_MATH 37.68 🤗 HuggingFace


Our evaluation codes are borrowed from:


      title={Self-Explore to Avoid the Pit: Improving the Reasoning Capabilities of Language Models with Fine-grained Rewards}, 
      author={Hyeonbin Hwang and Doyoung Kim and Seungone Kim and Seonghyeon Ye and Minjoon Seo},