hbl917070 / Tiefsee4

An open-source image viewer for Windows with powerful features and ease of use
MIT License
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Actions for nightly release #14

Closed ShiriNmi1520 closed 10 months ago

ShiriNmi1520 commented 10 months ago

TODO Lists

If you want, you can modify when will nightly release will be created (There's an expected delay if you using GitHub shared runner for the build, probably around 3 to 10 minutes)

P.S: The following screenshot date was yesterday from the day I created the pull request cause GitHub Actions use UTC as I mentioned before, I can modify it to use UTC +8 timezone or you can leave it to use UTC instead)



ShiriNmi1520 commented 10 months ago

About task number 2 I found a GitHub Action called nightly-check which is suitable for this task, but it requires further fix since my workflow always failed after implementing it. I've submitted a PR to original repository and waiting for approved and pulled into main.

ShiriNmi1520 commented 10 months ago

nightly-check approved my last pull request, adding check now.

hbl917070 commented 10 months ago

The steps to export a zip file from Tiefsee are:

  1. Run gulp watch in the Tiefsee/www directory to package ts, scss, ejs, and svg into static web pages.
  2. Compile Tiefsee4.sln (Tiefsee.csproj already includes the syntax to copy the static web pages from Tiefsee/www to the output directory, but does not include automatic execution of gulp).
  3. Go to the runtimes directory in the output directory and keep only win-x64, deleting all others (I'm not sure why these useless files are generated, I've already set the build target to win x64).

If you don't do step 3, you'll just have an extra 70M of useless files, but if you don't do step 1, Tiefsee.exe won't run.

So I'm not sure if this automation flow is feasible.

ShiriNmi1520 commented 10 months ago

Thanks for the feedback, in my workflow, I did not include part executing gulp watch to generate packaged web pages.

About useless files mentioned in step 3 might be related to the msbuild command in workflow, according to I know msbuild will copy essential file that makes the program run into the output directory (Just like step 2 which copies static web pages into the output directory), there could be a way to tell msbuild to generate a single executable file and we can upload it to release which I will look into it later today.

I'll upload the todo list for now and hope I can solve them later.😉

hbl917070 commented 10 months ago

359843d gulp watch is a development mode that continuously monitors file changes, which may cause problems. I added another command gulp build, which will only be executed once.

ShiriNmi1520 commented 10 months ago


gulp watch is a development mode that continuously monitors file changes, which may cause problems.

I added another command gulp build, which will only be executed once.

Appreciation for updating, that definitely will help me to get things done 😀

ShiriNmi1520 commented 10 months ago

I've completed adding gulp build during workflow and expect to complete msbuild part by weekend

ShiriNmi1520 commented 10 months ago

I've also noticed that check nightly workflow was finished with error, I'll trying implement a patch on it before continue image